
A TaylorMade + Fei-Fei's Stuff Challenge!


Well-Known Member
Love your pages ladies and just had to grab that kit right of the shelf as soon as it hit my mailbox.. LOL! Totally loving it!!

Hey Shaui why on earth did he want to move to Sweden? He should go to Denmark instead.. It's in the region, but people are much nicer here.. LOL! Anyhow it might be just a liiiiittle colder than the Philippines.. Just got agreed with Laura today, that tomorrow we'd take her snowsuit out for a go - jacket is just not enough anymore.. Ugh!!

Hahahahha - no - come to Sweden !!! :p :p


FeiFei Stuff Designer
Lol!!!! I don;t know! He watches Top Gear religiously and they said that Sweden is really nice... hmmm.... i dont know... sometimes I prefer South Korea... or Japan... anywhere in Asia or anywhere not more than 8 hrs of plane ride from Manila... hehe!!!

Love your pages ladies and just had to grab that kit right of the shelf as soon as it hit my mailbox.. ! Totally loving it!!

Hey Shaui why on earth did he want to move to Sweden? He should go to Denmark instead.. It's in the region, but people are much nicer here.. ! Anyhow it might be just a liiiiittle colder than the Philippines.. Just got agreed with Laura today, that tomorrow we'd take her snowsuit out for a go - jacket is just not enough anymore.. Ugh!!
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Active Member
Interview with my best friend

Ohh my gosh, I love this kit! Great job guys. Here is the link to my layout...hopefully I do this right...


Who is the last person to make you laugh?
you, today. Your laugh is contagious

What is your favorite time of day?
Evening, because I miss my boys all day

Tell me something that really annoys you...
Being ignored! come on people listen to me...I am cool

What are 3 of your best traits?
dedication, seeing the best in people, and my sense of humor

What is your biggest accomplishment?
My Muff! I love being a Mom

Name 3 things your good at...
Writing, giving advice, and butter cupping...lol

What are 5 things you love about your interviewer?
Smile, dedication, enthusiasm, fearless and innocence

What inspires you to do good?
God and my son

what do you think of all these questions?
Pretty enlightening

What do you like least about yourself?
My critical nature and laziness are probably a tie

Was yesterday better than today?
Ehh...one step closer to 30 and yet I appreciate everyday

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People eating with there mouth open

If you could do anything right now, what would you do?
Eat a tub of cookie doe ice cream

Name one thing you would change about you if you could.
I would like to have my innocence back

My dream is...
To write a book that touches peoples heart! It doesn't have to be a best seller, just a good story...single tear
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Well-Known Member
Such a great challenge - thank you so much! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to scrap this little verbal game DD and I play almost every day.

small talk


Well-Known Member
OOOOHHHHH it feels good to scrap again!!! My computer has been out of commission for over 6 weeks and I finally have it back...So here are my first 2 pages back in the saddle again. This was a great inspiration to get back at it....Thanks so much Amanda and Shaui!!
I did one for each monster






Active Member
Many thanks for the challenge, and also the questions. They made a difference from the usual type of questions for this type of challenge. Here is my effort. :)


Well-Known Member
Amanda and Shaui, your kit is just wonderful! :) And what a great challenge! Your LOs are great girls!

Ange, j'adore !!! :)


Well-Known Member
What a fantastic challenge, Amanda & Shaui! I'm having a blast reading through everyone's interviews! These will be pages to treasure for sure!


Well-Known Member
Hi girls, here's my Lo.


Understand that Panda noddles is due to film Kung Fu Panda and since that day he loves to eat noddles; the book Day is the day that they go to the school library and choose a book to bring home the weekend, the cockroach song is part of our national songbook I'd attaching a youtube video for you to know also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7VsurR48Ew , and crane park is a park here in town that has a lake and it always cranes. LOL
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I just stopped by to check on this thread...what great layouts! I love how everyone used the template in different ways. It's inspiring! :mrgreen: