
2014 Week 35 Project 365/Life/52

My Week 35 :)

Heather I really like the beige and black affect, accented by school supplies :-)

Jean the repeat of the gold background is lovely...I guess you have been doing that all along, coordinating the facing pages, but I really noticed it this week.

Lindy I love the way you've used the word art.

Oh and the different uses of the circles...so interesting!
I needed 3 pages this week because I have one just for our trip to the baseball game...I LOVE going to baseball games :-)

The hummingbird feeders are at my BIL's in Oklahoma and are only a portion of what he has out. That was a very busy time for hummers and there were lots. At our house, our one feeder doesn't draw them for the most part.

And yes, I've been doing paired facing pages all this year. Since I only do one page a week, it seemed like a nice idea.

Love everyone's pages and your summer days.