I understand the struggle Yvonne...we are all part artist, part story-teller.
One of the things that has helped me...occasionally I will add some really artsy page that focuses on one thing, one event, one person, one photo, or a combo, but some highlight of the week.
This is an example...we went to the beach on Saturday, so there were a bunch of shots of the beach, what was going on at the beach, etc.
But then I took this one photo of the motel and made an artsy page:
Here is another example...my daughter sent this Instagram, and I loved the photo so made a full-pager out of it.
Even though you don't see them here, I still put week numbers and days/dates on these so they are connected to the weekly pages. I think it also helps the 'book' to have some variety, rather than just page after page of PL-looking.
Of course, this adds significantly to my page count

But I don't necessarily do it every week, just if there are particular photos that I want to feature in an art page.
And BTW i LOVE your social media in the pages
Thanks for sharing!