
02/13 QOTD: V Day Plans


Well-Known Member
Any plans for Valentine's Day? Do you celebrate?

We keep it really low key. We'll have a nice dinner together, I'm thinking of trying a chicken dish in the pressure cooker with salad and rice. I'll splurge and get us some carrot cake (we both love it). I'd rather have that than chocolate. My hubs is on call for work, so he may not be here for dinner but the pressure cooker cooks quickly so hopefully I can get it made without him being called out. Usually the work dies down later in the evening so we should be able to relax and watch a movie together. I'm looking forward to a quiet night hanging out with my hubs.


The Loopy-O
We do absolutely nothing for V-Day. I have (maybe this is bad) brought the kids up with that notion that you don't need a "Hallmark holiday" (ie V-Day, Mother's Day) to show someone that you love them.
Unfortunately, the consequence of that is their SO's get the indifference and don't always understand.

My bad. :(

As for Gary and I we laughed last night when I said Happy Valentines Day, sorry I didn't get you flowers. He said it back top me. :)

When the kids were little, we did do something fun- heart shaped pancakes or pink milk.


Well-Known Member
Together we opened up and cleaned out the drain in the kitchen yesterday. How romantic is that ??? LOL

We did say Happy Valentines day to each other when waking up and my hubby bought me some little Easter eggs for Valentines day ... I told him he was a bad boy and that he shouldn't buy me that. Luckily he doesn't listen to me when I say stuff like that. Hihi.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
We normally do not celebrate Valentine's Day and we never buy cards or flowers. However this year we did go out brunch to combine Valentine's Day and our upcoming Anniversary which I will be away for. I am like Chris and have never made a big deal about Hallmark Holidays, we never could justify spending all that money on silly things. I know not much of a romantic!! :becky: The afternoon was spend fixing the fridge which was leaking all over the floor. Seems the drainage tray somehow had a big crack in it. :gaah: Oh well that's our romantic day!