
01/14 QOTD: Rewards


Well-Known Member
Do you give yourself rewards for a job well done? For completing a project or goal? If so, what do you reward yourself with?

Sometimes I just have to reward myself for making it through a workday. Prime example is yesterday. I worked 12 hours and was just exhausted. So I made a nice cup of tea, opened up a bag of cheezies and had an enjoyable time watching the finale for American Horror Story. I know choosing food is probably not a good reward but hey....it made me feel good.


The Loopy-O
I try to give myself a reward, or at least keep the idea of doing so in my mind.
Tonight, I am going to reward myself with a nice glass of wine for getting through the week. Probably not the best reward either, but there is a bottle of red open-- good for the heart :D


Well-Known Member
I'll go for a glass of wine after a hectic day too. I used to try and reward myself with scrapping time after doing cleaning, etc. but I scrap regardless of whether I clean these days!