
vicki robinson choices

  1. Choices - Always be kind

    Choices - Always be kind

    All items are from the Choices Collection by Vicki Robinson except for the handwriting which is mine.
  2. August Challenge 2020 Choices

    August Challenge 2020 Choices

    This is my granddaughter who is going off to college for the first time. I thought the "Choices Collection" was a good fit for this new experience.
  3. I Choose

    I Choose

    Vicki Robinson Designs Created with Vicki's Bonus gift from her newsletter.
  4. I am Woman

    I am Woman

    Vicki Robinson Designs - August 2020 Challenge


    For a challenge at Oscraps.
  6. Choices


    #Werbung (unbezahlt) Vicki Robinson Designs - August 2020 Challenge https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39745&page=2 Choices Kit by Vicki Robinson Designs @ Oscraps https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Choices-Kit-by-vicki-robinson-designs.html August 2020 Challenge Freebie...
  7. choices


    Choices Kit by Vicki Robinson Designs
  8. Choices


    The choice to leave my job many years ago, really was not a tough choice, more of a sad one. But ten years of rehab and therapy for my daughter paid off in the end! I used Vicki Robinson Designs Choices Kit Vicki's No. 4 Freebie for the Challenge - Vicki Robinson Designs - Time to Fly (paper)
  9. VRobinson-Aug2020


    Choices kit by V. Robinson
  10. Choices


    Choices by Vicki Robinson Designs
  11. VRobinson-Challenge - I choose to wear a mask

    VRobinson-Challenge - I choose to wear a mask

    Font Xiomara Kits used: Choices and Breathe
  12. Heart to Freedom

    Heart to Freedom

    Choices Collection by Vicki Robinson Created for the August 2020 Designer Challenge
  13. Oscraps-August-VRobinson-Challenge-Choices


    I used Vicki Robinson's Choices and did lots of layering.
  14. Choose


    Choices Collection by Vicki Robinson Designs
  15. Making Choices

    Making Choices

    My own page for my August 2020 Challenge, using my Choices Collection. I included my own handwriting on the page and I have a tutorial demonstrating how to do that. Details are here: https://vicki-robinson.com/monthly-challenge/august-2020-challenge/
  16. never give up

    never give up

    for Vicki Robinson Designs - August 2020 Challenge August 2020 Challenge Freebie Choices by Vicki Robinson Designs
  17. Blink


    All content by Vicki Robinson Designs -Choices -Mixed Media Strips -Grungy Grids
  18. Don't Cry

    Don't Cry

    Choices by Vicki Robinson
  19. Happy


    With Vicki's Choices Collection.
  20. Choices


    Choices Collection by Vicki Robinson Designs