
travelers notebook

  1. AJ-valor


    My latest art journal page is a vivid tribute to "Valor," brimming with bold colors and powerful imagery. Dominating the page is a deep, rich red, symbolizing courage and determination. This intense hue sets the tone, evoking the fearless spirit needed to confront challenges head-on...
  2. July Challenge #7 - Tic Tac Toe

    July Challenge #7 - Tic Tac Toe

    Participating in the Tic Tac Toe challenge was an inspiring journey. The words "sky," "person," and "wings" beautifully came together, reminding me of the powerful saying: "With wings of dreams, the sky is but a starting point." This phrase encapsulates the boundless potential within each of us...
  3. AnnaColor Challenge

    AnnaColor Challenge

    After months of relentless rain, I find myself yearning for just a hint of sunlight. It's not the scorching heat I crave, but the gentle warmth and brightness that a clear day brings. The constant drizzle and grey skies have a way of dampening spirits, making each day feel heavier and more...
  4. Mellow


    Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and these past months, I've felt the weight of stress pressing down on me. But I try to chose breathing deeply and letting go of what I can't control.
  5. july Challenge #4 : Artsy/Mixed media

    july Challenge #4 : Artsy/Mixed media

    Our artsy and Mixed media challenge for July is to create an artsy digital scrapbook page using a monochromatic colour scheme. Go wild with gesso, paint, stamps etc, but restrict yourself to one color. I made a page about my journey through life’s uncertainties and challenges. The sea of clouds...
  6. July Art Journaling week #1 : COURAGE

    July Art Journaling week #1 : COURAGE

    Oscraps’ July Art Journaling Challenge, Week 1 is about COURAGE. The word “courage” means the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. It is often regarded as a quality that allows individuals to face difficult situations with determination and bravery. I opted for...
  7. invisible labor

    invisible labor

    This month's Color Play Collection is live in the Oscraps store! The main colors are red, white and blue...so think 4th of July, summer, beach time....there is something for everyone, in varous styles. On this page I reflect on the start of summer vacation, noting how my daily routine remains...
  8. insomnia


  9. borders only challenge - march 2024

    borders only challenge - march 2024

  10. regrets


  11. balance


  12. equilibrium


  13. epoch


    A Leap year remind me that time, like my dreams, is not bound by conventional rules. It's an extra day gifted to me, urging me to leap into new opportunities, embrace change, and make the most of every moment.
  14. emerge


    Discovery is the bridge between the before and after, illuminating the path from what was known to what is possible, enriching my journey with the <treasures of newfound wisdom
  15. precious


    In the delicate dance of existence, I am entrusted with the task of unraveling life's greatest mysteries with gentle hands and an open heart. Through this tender exploration, I uncover the countless precious gems scattered along my path, each moment shimmering with the beauty of possibility and...
  16. Perceive


    Life reveals its true depth and beauty as we age, for with each passing year, our perception becomes a refined lens through which we truly understand its intricate wonders.
  17. united


    Love, a unique force that defies the constraints of time and space, forever intertwining hearts in a symphony of passion and understanding. United in its embrace, people find solace in the eternal dance of connection, where every moment becomes a testament to the enduring power of devotion
  18. Horizon


    In the pursuit of discovery, as dreams take flight, I navigate the vast expanse of possibility, weaving through the tapestry of my aspirations, and finding the courage to soar beyond the horizon of what is known
  19. acertain


  20. discover


    Through the artful dance of self-portraits, I am slowly uncovering the layers of my being, painting the canvas of my soul with the colors of introspection, and finding the masterpiece of myself within.