

  1. Winter Is Dead

    Winter Is Dead

    This didn't turn out as I envisioned, just a learning experiment.
  2. 22-04_Palvinka_HelloSpring


  3. Singapore


    DD and I when we lived in Singapore. We arrived in the middle of the SARs epidemic so it was a strange time.
  4. What a winner

    What a winner

    My great-grandad with his gardening trophies. The green thumbs gene clearly skipped me, but my Dad and my daughter have it!
  5. 22-04_O_2022-04-Momma-O---Vicki-Stegalls-challenge


    2022-04 Momma O (Vicki Stegalls) April 2022 Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-04-momma-o-vicki-stegalls-april-2022-challenge.35316/
  6. MLDesign_FlowerEssence01.jpg


    Flowers Essence by MLDesign page by Marie
  7. Spring is in the Air-April-challenge

    Spring is in the Air-April-challenge

    I used the daylilies in my garden to add to the ladies in their garden and of course the hummingbirds are exactly what are needed for a Spring-themed, fun challenge.
  8. Hello Spring!

    Hello Spring!

    New Art Pack and Styles by Karen Schulz
  9. MLDesign_INeedYou (1).jpg

    MLDesign_INeedYou (1).jpg

    I Need You by MLDesign Used Element and paper'kit Photo Perso
  10. Floral Blues

    Floral Blues

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Erinn kit
  11. Here Comes The Sun

    Here Comes The Sun

  12. Spring Tea

    Spring Tea

    Found such a true quote about tea!
  13. When will the rain end?

    When will the rain end?

    Living with someone with extreme seasonal affective disorder comes with its challenges. Hopefully moving to sunnier city and being able to travel again will help, but everywhere you go there are rainy grey days.
  14. 22-03_AFT-challenge


    AFT DESIGNS - March/April 2022 Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/aft-designs-march-april-2022-challenge.35104/#post-619425 I used the lyrics of 'here comes the sun' from The Beatles ...