

  1. Wonder


    Journaling reads: The first time on a frozen lake causes such wonder. Credits: Wonder wordart by Sue Cummings Paper by Ronee Parsons from Silent Night Snowflakes by Vicki Stegall - Let it Snow photo corners by Ronee P Fly Away
  2. First Snow

    First Snow

    Our first snow of the season! Credits: Down Home kit by Traci Reed (ACOT); KISS template 3 by Vicki Stegall (Oscraps).
  3. Winter Wonder Land

    Winter Wonder Land

    Believe in the magic of the Winter Wonderland This is one of the first photos I took with new camera. These deer were 150' out bedded down by our house. Let it Snow Kit by Carla Gibson Font - French Script MT
  4. Week 14 Ad Challenge - Snow Day

    Week 14 Ad Challenge - Snow Day

    Ronee ........ this challenge ROCKED!! Oh my broke the block!! WOOT!! :) THANK YOU! Jouranling I don't ever want to forget how excited you all were this day - the first real snow fall of the year. Olivia was beside herself with excitement she simply couldn't wait for you two to get home...
  5. Snow Ski Soon

    Snow Ski Soon

    Carla Gibson Kits: Good Ole Days -- alpha, Let it Snow -- paper & elements, Spirit of Christmas -- overlay Danielle Young's Bent Photo Template Journaling: Vail, Colorado 2006 Font: Bradley Hand Program: ACDSee Photo Editor
  6. Snowy Farm 1974

    Snowy Farm 1974

    Carla Gibson, Let it Snow: Paper, Fibers, Snowflakes Gina Cabrera, Frosty Fun: Alphabet & Ribbon Font: Maiandra GD Photo Editor: ACDSee PhotoEditor Journaling: This is what the farm looked like when I was born. The photos were taken around 1974 after a heavy hoar frost.
  7. Free Snow!

    Free Snow!

    I do this all the time...create layouts using the same photo and now I can't decide which to print out! Used photo as background paper... All other elements available here at Oscraps! I JUST LOVE this "Free Snow" Word ARt by Vicki Stegall in "A Winter Wonderland&quot...
  8. Snow


    Free Snow Word ARt and Lined Paper from "A WInter Wonderland" Paper: Merry Little Christmas Freebie SNOW Frame: Chalk Frame {Christmas Two} From My Chalkboard designed by me! SNOW Flake: Merry Little Christmas Freebie All products available here at Oscraps!
  9. Snow Mowing

    Snow Mowing

    Nate wanted to help his dad shovel show last winter, but he gave up and used this bubble mower instead. :) Credits: Down Home kit by Traci Reed (ACOT) and Building Blocks 3 template collection by Heather Heinzer (Scrap2Basics)
  10. Let It Snow - Card & Envelope

    Let It Snow - Card & Envelope

    It certainly doesn't snow where I live in Australia...LOL!!! more likely it's boiling hot at Christmas & bushfires blazing somewhere nearby...however, there's nothing I love more than handmade christmas cards & Carla'a "Let It Snow" kit is perfect. Let It Snow - kit by Carla...
  11. Snowy Day

    Snowy Day

    I did this LO a little differently and let the papers (Ronee Parson's Silent Night) do the "talking". I loved the snowy scene paper and thought it would make a LO on it's own!! I added Amber Clegg's swirl brush (Scrapartist apprentice challenge) and Michelle Coleman's Snowflakes...
  12. Snow Days

    Snow Days

    My friend Christel(clite)'s little girl Taylor. Kit is Swanky Little Christmas by Leah Riordan and (me)Genevieve Sass. :) Font is Century Gothic. "Snow" is in my own handwriting (again). :)