

  1. 100% Kobe Beef

    100% Kobe Beef

    Here's for a scraplift challenge. I scraplifted Ashalee Wall here: http://www.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/14638/cat/677 Journaling reads: Heres our first time eating Kobe Beef. It cost $50 for a tiny steak with no side dishes. We paid extra for rice and we all shared bites so we...
  2. Amazing Race - Aubergine JillD - Scraplift - 02 04 2007 rev 1

    Amazing Race - Aubergine JillD - Scraplift - 02 04 2007 rev 1

    Amazing Race - Aubergine JillD - Scraplift - 02 04 2007 rev 1 Credits -- Aubergine by Jill D - Zines at Scrap Outside the Box
  3. Baby Hayden

    Baby Hayden

    Baby Hayden was born two weeks ago. My 2nd great grandson and I am so proud.