

  1. beetle hug

    beetle hug

    We got a new car last weekend and I'm a little sentimental about my old car. It was a way of life for me for the last 5+ years. I cried when it was gone, but I do love my new car and it is better and more comfortable for my new lifestyle. This is my last ride on the way to the dealership to...
  2. ADSR- Challenge 11 (Movie)

    ADSR- Challenge 11 (Movie)

    Kit: Sunny with a chance of flowers by Christine Nash at Scrap Outside The Box Alpha: Red Jeans Alpha by Tahera at Scrap Outside The Box Ribbons: Scrap Me In Ribbons Vol. 3 by Ziggle Designs at Scrap Outside The Box Journal: this is one of my favorite movies. the story is...
  3. Fourth of July, Sparkler

    Fourth of July, Sparkler

    TFL! :) CREDITS: Merkeley Designs Blue Fiber from Spatter Crazy kit Merkeley Designs Trails/Swirls from Evelyn kit Merkeley Designs Tag & Threading from The Store kit Merkeley Designs Index Pieces/Shapes, Staples & Star Stickpin from Index Bits Merkeley Designs Stamp (re-colored)...
  4. anticipation 2006

    anticipation 2006

    My son, Isaac, opening gifts. Kit is Roots by Ronee Parsons, available here at oscraps. Fonts are "you can make your own font" and "ympiroity".
  5. be free

    be free

    I love this "not so great" photo of my son...YES he's running in nothing but a diaper and shirt...he's half hillbilly like his mam! LOL, he's just such a cool little guy. SO just his own little unique person! The kit is "The Gift" a collab kit by the designers here at...