

  1. Koppången


  2. Our Pollinator Garden

    Our Pollinator Garden

    For several years now, we have let the spring dandelions take over our yard for weeks before we begin mowing in order to help out the bees but this year we are taking it a step further and ceased mowing at all in some areas and let nature take over. I love the resulting wildflowers and know it...
  3. Withering


  4. Country Roads

    Country Roads

    Okay, more like Florida country. lol
  5. Awakening


    https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Garden-Of-Eden-Collection.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Garden-Of-Eden-Elements.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbooking-designs-by-nld-designs/
  6. Fairy House

    Fairy House

    https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Where-Fairies-Live-Project.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Where-Fairies-Live-Quickpages.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbooking-designs-by-nld-designs/
  7. Kiss the Frog

    Kiss the Frog

    https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbook-kit-the-frog-prince-by-nld-designs.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbooking-collection-the-frog-prince-by-nld-designs.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbooking-designs-by-nld-designs/
  8. Yard Bunny

    Yard Bunny

    I changed the word art color by clipping a peach paper to the word strip and setting the blend mode to Lighten. I added the inked edge to the word art and the background paper using Inner Glow in Photoshop.
  9. AnnaLift Explore My Town

    AnnaLift Explore My Town

  10. Natures Art

    Natures Art

    Natures Palette Collection by Daydream Designs
  11. Creativity


    Natures Palette Collection by Daydream Designs
  12. Nature's Symphony

    Nature's Symphony

    Natures Palette Collection by Daydream Designs
  13. Express Yourself

    Express Yourself

    created with Nature's Palette by Daydream Designs https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Natures-Palette-Collection-by-Daydream-Designs.html
  14. anna aspens challenge.jpg

    anna aspens challenge.jpg

    Christmas 22 we climbed up the hill in front of our house to watch the sun go down... half of the hill, my mum got a small crisis because the baby could fall down and the teenager climbed to high (the hike was her idea)^^ anyway, it was beautiful ♥ Due to im very new to the modern scrapbooking...
  15. einfach so fuerte.jpg

    einfach so fuerte.jpg

    @AZK here just for you ;) a glimpse of my home ;)
  16. a sky on the island

    a sky on the island

    here is one impression, made is last night, but struggle with it, panorama photos a really a challenge :/
  17. Life Finds a Way

    Life Finds a Way

    The Banyan Tree in Lahaina is growing shoots...life amidst destruction.
  18. Fall Nature Hike

    Fall Nature Hike

    Credits Kit: Shadows of the Past Bundle, Daydream Designs Font: Myriad Pro Semibold Condensed
  19. AnnaColor Take Only The Memories

    AnnaColor Take Only The Memories

  20. Butterfly - AnnaColor Challenge 11.03 - 11.16

    Butterfly - AnnaColor Challenge 11.03 - 11.16

    Created for the AnnaColor Challenge 11.03 - 11.16 For the butterfly photo, I extracted the butterfly from the photo and placed it above the frame and added a shadow. The green butterfly element is actually three copies of the same element in order to get the green to coordinate better with the...