
#nature & outdoors

  1. November


    Done for Challenge #1 Color Play Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/november-challenge-1-color-play.40742/ November, month of mornings, misty-bright With golden light— Month when the many-tinted leaf Lies thick upon the moss below, While to and fro The breezes moan, as...
  2. October Eves

    October Eves

    Done for the Collaborations Challenge #1 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/october-challenge-1-collaborations.40594/ Listen! the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves! —Humbert Wolfe (1886-1940)
  3. Each Moment

    Each Moment

    Done for the Quote It Challenge #7 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/september-challenge-7-quote-it.40359/ Journaling reads: Each moment of the year has it's own beauty. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson In this moment, the weather is beautiful! Earlier today we had tons of rain from...
  4. Focus AJWk3-0924

    Focus AJWk3-0924

    Done for the September Art Journal Challenge Week 3 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/september-art-journaling-challenge-week-3-focus.40523/ Journaling reads: There are days when I seem to be lost and without purpose. On those days I try to FOCUS on the GOOD things God has...
  5. Waiting for Autumn

    Waiting for Autumn

    Done for the Seasonal Challenge #3 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/september-challenge-3-seasonal.40415/ Journaling reads: Autumn is my favorite time of the year! I love the heat of summer turning into the cooler temperatures of Autumn! Here in NC the maple trees seem to...
  6. Lookin'-for-Adventure


    While being under the weather today, I was looking at an old issue of Somerset Digital Studio (Autumn 2012) when I noticed some artwork that looked like Anna Aspnes’ products. So I began reading the article and, sure enough, the artist was using Anna’s products. Her gallery is here at...
  7. A-Magical-Day


    According to my Daily Almanac Newsletter, today, September 8, 2024 is Grandparents' Day. Everyday they share a quote, poem, etc. Today's quote was the inspiration for this layout. Quote reads: Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. —Alex Haley, American...
  8. Focus---AJWk1-0924


    Done for the AJ Challenge Week 1 for Sept. 2024 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/september-art-journaling-challenge-week-1-focus.40416/ Journaling reads: More times than not I have to make myself get up in the mornings and take those first steps to better health! 8/29/24...
  9. The End...Hopefully

    The End...Hopefully

    Done for the Rachel Jefferies Featured Product Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2024-09-rachel-jefferies-september-2024-featured-product-challenge.40459/ Journaling reads: Phase 1 - The bushes along the whole front of the house, that were tall enough to be trees...
  10. A-Little-Bit-of-Country


    A Little Bit of Country I wish to sleep well, to have a few books, an affectionate dog that will spring upon my knees, a flock of goats, all things rustic, and to live off the soil tilled by my own hand. —Alfonso Guillén Zelaya (1887–1947)
  11. Choose to bee kind

    Choose to bee kind

    Web inspiration
  12. Hot August

    Hot August

    Done for the Momma O Designer Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/vicki-stegall-designs-momma-os-august-2024-challenge.40232/ The brilliant poppy flaunts her head Amidst the ripening grain, And adds her voice to sell the song That August's here again." ―Helen Winslow
  13. Today


    Monday Aug. 5, 2024 It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... Yes, it really is, Mr. Rogers! Especially nice for my morning walk! The sun was bright but still not above the trees all the way. So the temp. was not yet too hot! I was able to get my 2 miles walked and a few pictures taken in...
  14. Morning Walk

    Morning Walk

    Done for the Template Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/august-challenge-6-template.40291/
  15. End-of-Summer


    Done for the One Word Challenge #1 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/august-challenge-1-one-word.40231/ I love the summer only because it gives me a chance to hang out with my daughter more. Ilene even got to be with us a couple of times, too! Soon school will be back in...
  16. Everyday-Beauty-White-Space-Challenge


    Done for the White Space Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/august-challenge-7-white-space.40241/
  17. Wisteria


    Welcome Devotion Long-lasting Love Even the most delicate things can have a powerful impact.
  18. Sun Flower

    Sun Flower

    The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days. Robert Leighton
  19. Floral Fantasy

    Floral Fantasy

    Here and yonder, high and low, Goldenrod and sunflowers glow. –Robert Kelley Weeks (1840–76)
  20. Hot July

    Hot July

    New July 2024 Color Play Collection by Natali Designs. I used Atmosphere All in One but you can buy the individual portions and mix and match with the other designer’s Color Play Kits found here: July 2024 Color Play Kits