

  1. Real Life

    Real Life

    Done for the Momma O’s Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/vicki-stegall-designs-momma-os-february-2023-challenge.36943/ Journaling reads: When I think about “real life” and what that looks like to me, or should look like to me, I have to view it from God’s perspective...
  2. Joy to the World

    Joy to the World

    Joy to the world! The Lord has come! Let Earth receive their King! Journaling reads: The greatest gift of all did not come wrapped in paper. He came as a helpless baby. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger. He came to live a sinless life that we could not live so He could...
  3. Isaiah 9:6

    Isaiah 9:6

    “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace.”
  4. Strength and Beauty

    Strength and Beauty

    Journaling reads: Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary Ps. 96:6
  5. My Help

    My Help

    Journaling reads: For Thou hast been a help to me, And in the shadow of Thy wings I sing. Ps 63:7
  6. God of Hope

    God of Hope

    Journaling reads: May the God of Hope fill you with JOY and PEACE as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13
  7. The-Love-of-God-2


    The Love of God We sang this song in church this past Sunday. While singing the 3rd stanza, my creative mind was at work. I created one page already but my mind wouldn’t let it go. And when I was even thinking about it during the hours of sleeplessness last night, I decided to try again. This...
  8. Joyful Patient Faithful

    Joyful Patient Faithful

  9. Light is Shed

    Light is Shed

    Journaling reads: Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Ps. 97:11 The elements used have a Screen blending mode added.
  10. Be Angry Sin Not

    Be Angry Sin Not

    Journaling reads: Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:26-27
  11. Believe


    Journaling reads: “It took Him just a week to hang the moon and the stars, the sun and the Earth and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be, ‘cause He’s still working on me!” Process: These lyrics are taken from a child’s song sung back in the 80’s, “He’s Still Working on Me.” This...
  12. Every Day is a Gift

    Every Day is a Gift

    “Every day without exception is a Gift from God entrusted to us to use for His glory.” Billy Graham
  13. Gabriel's Already Standing

    Gabriel's Already Standing

    Our pastor mentioned this song in the Sunday service last week. When I got home I searched for it on the internet. I wrote the lyrics down and it inspired me to do a page that represents God motioning to the Archangel Gabriel that it is time to blow the trumpet signalling the return of Christ...
  14. The Heart

    The Heart

    Web inspiration. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7b I filled the floral and greenery from the kit with white so it would be a silhouette against the dark background. The lighter journaling was blended with Overlay or Soft Light blending modes.
  15. The Lord is my Help

    The Lord is my Help

    My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth. Ps 121:2 There are 2 clusters in the upper left that include shadow. I worked the rest of the page adding shadow to those elements, too. However, I did not like the effect. So, I recreated the clusters as best as I could and deleted...
  16. Beauty of the Lord

    Beauty of the Lord

    Inspiration is from pinterest Behold the beauty of the Lord. Psalm 27:4
  17. A Friend

    A Friend

    Inspiration is from pinterest. A friend loves at all times Proverbs 17:17
  18. Sign of the Times 1

    Sign of the Times 1

    1 in a series.
  19. Give Thanks

    Give Thanks

    Inspiration is from pinterest. I love the watercolor feel and the blues and greens together.
  20. Choose Joy

    Choose Joy

    Inspiration is from pinterest. I love the watercolor feel and the blues and greens together! I layered a darker paper behind the flower print paper to give a border. Behind the center wreath I created a circle to clip a light paper to so the text would be more visible.