

  1. We own the streets

    We own the streets

    We had a very strict first lockdown in New Zealand and the streets were very empty, especially where we live downtown. DD normally loves exploring the city on her own, but for those weeks we always went out together, including when she was my 'photographer's assistant'. She loved that we could...
  2. Still?.jpg


    Dang, I thought I was done with creating Covid art. But since millions refuse to believe medical professionals/scientists and refuse a life-saving vaccine, another variant has kneecapped our society. When did some lose their their empathy, kindness and their ever-loving minds? SMDH! Done for the...
  3. You Were Only Waiting

    You Were Only Waiting

    The 3-inch daffodil snow was melted and mostly gone by the next day and we wondered whether there would be another newsmaking biggie or steady warming into hot weather ahead. The restaurant was very busy on Friday as Colorado removed almost all restrictions except masks in public.
  4. My Covid Freak

    My Covid Freak

    One year into the pandemic ... this is a reflection of what my husband refers to as my "covid freak." I started collecting toilet paper rolls as a joke, but ended up with 54 of them after a year. Baking bread was my therapy.
  5. Larimer County Risk Tracker

    Larimer County Risk Tracker

    The CDC finally issued a mask mandate for planes and public transportation. Wearing one mask on top of another turned out to be no big deal. Although January was the worst month of the pandemic with 80,000 deaths, by the end of the month the numbers coming down.