
carolw designs

  1. Picture Perfect Memories

    Picture Perfect Memories

  2. My Hometown

    My Hometown

    Challenge #1 - Through the Lens Although I was not born and raised in Butler County, I have lived here since 1999 and am proud to claim Morgantown my hometown.
  3. Handsome Fella

    Handsome Fella

  4. Dream A Little Dream

    Dream A Little Dream

    ColorPlay Created using: A Time To Remember-Bundle
  5. Beautiful Season

    Beautiful Season

    ColorPlay July Feeling-Bundle Artsy Goodness by Joyful Heart Designs
  6. Sunset on The River

    Sunset on The River

    #2 - Color Play The only vacation spot I have had in my entire life, is our camping trips on Rough River. When I was younger we did a lot of fishing and water skiing but these days we don't do much of that but we still love to go and enjoy the peace, tranquility and beauty. This photo was taken...
  7. A Time To Remember

    A Time To Remember

    A Time To Remember-Bundle by CarolW Designs
  8. Treasure


    A Time To Remember-Bundle by CarolW Designs
  9. Color-play-2.jpg


    **COLOR PLAY JULY 2024*** coming soon *Available in store* from Thursday July 25th CST with the release of the Haps Newsletter. Made with CarolW designs "A time to Remember
  10. Carol's Template Challenge

    Carol's Template Challenge

    One of my Favorite high school teacher's and a '74 classmate of mine presented the scholarship awards at the LHS Reunion this year,
  11. June.jpg


    I was inspired by the quote: "Today you are you! That is truer than True! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" from Dr. Seuss font used Graphy brush. AI photos generated
  12. June Feeling

    June Feeling

  13. cwd-JuneFeeling-page.png


    -June Color Play- -"June Feeling" by CarolW Designs
  14. Be You

    Be You

    Font: Almond Carmel Quote: "Today you are you! That is truer than True! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" Dr. Suess
  15. Birthday Celebration

    Birthday Celebration

    DAY 6 Birthday Photo Story Font: Almond Caramel
  16. Our Family

    Our Family

    Font: Almond Caramel, Chopin, and Rockwel Words: Our Family. Founded on Truth, Joined in Love, Kept by God. Photo: Nataliya Vaitkevich, pexels
  17. Birthday Template CHALLENGE

    Birthday Template CHALLENGE

  18. Oscraps-0624-template-challenge-carolw


    GS-0624-template-challenge-carolw Always Be Beauty | Carol W Designs Font: Caroni Lime
  19. Dream Bigger

    Dream Bigger

    Do you Happy Templates by CarolW Designs **not in store yet** Font: Bastian, Rockwell, and Athelas Journaling: Sweet Dreams. If you are not daydreaming, and sort of p lanning things out in your mind, you will never get there. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have...
  20. Daydreaming


    Daydreaming-Bundle by CarolW Designs