

  1. It is a small life...

    It is a small life...

    This Little Life Digital Scrapbooking Collection by Lynn Grieveson
  2. Arrived Here

    Arrived Here

  3. winter dreams

    winter dreams

    created with Winter Garden by Daydream Designs. https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Winter-Garden-Collection-by-Daydream-Designs.html
  4. I See My Balloon

    I See My Balloon

    When you can't go where you need to go... Made using foxeysquirrel’s One-zee-26 kit. https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Foxeysquirrel/
  5. Indeketta


    A dream of a reflection. Made using foxeysquirrel’s Compromise kit.
  6. Moodlish


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s one-zee-25 and Over-the-Edge overlays kits.
  7. Perfectly framed

    Perfectly framed

    If you subscribe to Lynnes news letter in Oscraps you will get this kit at a discounted price until the 25th of May. "Garden fairies" by...
  8. A Poem

    A Poem

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s FS-Oil-Canvas-Background-2-13, 22, FS-Moodle-Backgrounds-27; FS-catherine-leaf-1, bubble, bird-1; fs-idelisa-add-on-Flower-pack-1, 1-1, 4, 5; fs-vintage-label-2-label-2; fs-vintage-labels-vol-3-5; fs-laoise-plant-1, paper-splatter; fs-anns-misty-dreams-swirl-3...
  9. Wating in Line

    Wating in Line

    Made using foxeysquirrel's Keean Digital Art Kit.
  10. Read Me a Garden

    Read Me a Garden

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Secret Garden kit.
  11. Consulting the Oracle

    Consulting the Oracle

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Summer Safari kit.
  12. Let Spring Begin

    Let Spring Begin

  13. Heavenly Place

    Heavenly Place

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Postcards Vol. 4 and 5, Tender Backgrounds 2, fs-one-zee-20-flower-butterfly-1,FS_Imagine_People 12, FS_Imagine_Bird 3
  14. live your life

    live your life

    created with Venice Style by Lynne Anzelc Designs. https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-art-collection-venice-style-lynne-anzelc.html
  15. Peek-a-boo, Anyone Home?

    Peek-a-boo, Anyone Home?

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s One-zee-17 and Magic Trick Kits
  16. Time for Santa

    Time for Santa

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Darby, holly-jolly-splatter and maxi-flower-splatter kits.
  17. No time Like Nap Time

    No time Like Nap Time

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Darby kits.
  18. Dippity Do It

    Dippity Do It

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Catherine kit.
  19. O Christmas Tree

    O Christmas Tree

  20. 12 days scrap-lift challenge

    12 days scrap-lift challenge

    I'm a huge fan of wombat146's fabulous art. For this lift, I selected a design with a large bird as the focal on a textured background accented with botanical stamps. It was perfect for me to use one of my barn swallow photos again—taken in my old house in Texas. They nested near my front door...