

  1. Skippers-Canyon.jpg


    From our trip to New Zealand earlier this year. Using Nature Awakening by ETD
  2. 0406-Sydney-Bondi-Beach-2.jpg


    Our First day in Australia, last month. Using Sand and Sea bundle by ETD and freebie challenge template.
  3. Day 4 Redo Jessica Sailing Pink Ella

    Day 4 Redo Jessica Sailing Pink Ella

    Back in August 2023, there was a Challenge to use Elements from the 52 Inspirations Bundles. I had recently downloaded the 2022 and 2023 Inspirations bundles so I had slim pickings. But one of those bundles had some Girl Power Papers so I made a very quick Page about my cousin Jessica Watson who...
  4. Carrying on the Croc Hunter legacy.

    Carrying on the Croc Hunter legacy.

    DAY 1 - Chain Scraplift | CHALLENGE Scrap lifted from @mom2triplets04 2021-12-23-Victoria-new-haircut.jpg