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  1. J

    Kitty Designs & Leora Sanford | Wishes Wings

    Oh my.... This is sooo great.... and since I have a thing for journal tags/blocks this is soooo good... Happy my new years resolution doesn't include "not buying more scrap-stuff" :grin:
  2. J

    Comment by 'Jettegad' in media 'Shades of Love'

    That is such a cute layout.... and the baby - aaaawww...
  3. J

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 17

    I'm such a newbie.... Bear with me - I already missed some of you in the thread :grin: Eva sounds like a good idea to stock up on important stuff like chokolate - I am totally with you....
  4. J

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 17

    Happy friday everyone - I guess I am a bit ahead of you bc of the timedifference - weekend right ahead... Thank you all for the warm welcome - I thought I'd just jump right in with joining the Daily Ooo's - hope thats okay... it seems like a good way to get to know you all a bit better... I am...
  5. J

    Comment by 'Jettegad' in media 'CHEEKY LITTLE BOY'

    Love the way you did the layers and the frames... And that little guy is the cutest thing.... He certainly puts a smile on my face so thanks for sharing...
  6. J

    Comment by 'Jettegad' in media 'Digi Dare #260: Five words that describes me'

    Clean and full of humor-love it.... Hurra Eva-fra en nabo (Danmark) :)
  7. J

    Comment by 'Jettegad' in media 'an apple a day'

    The vintage feel is so cool-great job
  8. J

    Comment by 'Jettegad' in media 'No title'

    Very drawing-love it
  9. J

    Comment by 'Jettegad' in media 'Soft Dreams'

    Love it-it looks so close to hybrid :) love the soft colors and the perfect use of lines.
  10. J

    Hello from Denmark

    Hi fellow scrappers-I am Jette (friends call me Jedi-I name I was proud to recieve when I worked in Ireland where nobody could pronounce my name) I live in Denmark with my husband and 3 kids... I have been scrapping for ages, started out with hybrid and took in digi a couple of years ago...