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  1. tanteva

    Font help

    Me and Urban just watched the first episode of Zero Day on Netflix. Does anyone know what font this is? I love it!
  2. tanteva


    Our fridge broke just a couple of days before Christmas, and I'd like to make a page about this. Storing the food in plastic containers out in our shed. Using freezer packs in the fridge when it got too cold to keep the food outside. It's been a special Christmas for sure LOL So ..... are there...
  3. tanteva

    Homemade Spice Mixes

    Just thought I'd share these - I think it would be a good Christmas gift. I've shared recipes from Pick Up Limes website before - I'm a huge fan of their recipes. I even have their app. These two spice mixes I've made and love to use. There are more, but I haven't tried those...
  4. tanteva


    I watched Elf today for the first time. I've seen so many saying it's their favorite Christmas movie. I've been looking for it, and now I found that Netflix had it here in Sweden. Must be some kind of Christmas special, cuz they didn't have it just a couple of weeks ago. I really liked it. It...
  5. tanteva


    Found this on Instagram.
  6. tanteva

    What's for dinner?

    Been a while since I checked in on you dinner plans. Tell me, what's for dinner today? Or tomorrow? Or whatever day you see this thread. It doesn't matter to me, I'm always ready to talk food. I'm making this today: I saw this a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to try it. And yesterday, I...
  7. tanteva

    The Summer KETCHUP Challenge!

    :ketchup: Welcome to my first (and last?) member challenge! :ketchup: As you can see from the thread's title - it's about KETCHUP! I have made a small freebie for you to use: DOWNLOAD IT HERE My challenge is simple - scrap something about KETCHUP using at least one of the word arts and/or...
  8. tanteva

    What did you serve with your ketchup today?

    Just looked at my dinner plate today & knew I had to take a photo and share. Ketchup is the best sauce!
  9. tanteva

    Eva's 100 Day Challenge

    My plan is to get into photography more. Last few years I've just snapped photos with my phone. I will bring out my camera - the old one, cuz it's smaller and easier to bring along. It's a Canon G7. I will try and get some more artsy type of photos, trying to find the joy in photography again...
  10. tanteva

    How to Halloween?

    I desperately need something fun happening! Summer was awful, rained all the time. I've basically been ill since mid-December. I need some cheering up. I'm gonna celebrate Halloween for the first time in my life. I mean, why not? What do I need? Hit me with ideas. Crafts? Decorations? Recipes...
  11. tanteva

    As if I needed another project ..... ArtjournalingZ

    Well, I do have about 2 million other projects going - but, why not start another??? Had this idea, and I have to try. No pressure, I won't hurry, I will just let it happen when it happens - but ---- the idea is to create an album of art journal layouts in alphabetical order: A to Z. Words that...
  12. tanteva


    Have to ask: are there no laws in th US about commercials? I see some on Youtube & there are blatant lies in them. If a company would do that in Sweden they would get into so much trouble. Just curious.
  13. tanteva

    Hot cocoa

    Ok, so I have been watching lots of Christmas movies lately, and I have to ask: Do Americans really drink hot cocoa all the time, or is that just "a thing" in Christmas movies? In Sweden I'd say hot cocoa is mainly for kids. Maybe with sandwiches for breakfast or snack. Being adult and drinking...
  14. tanteva

    The stress of the holidays

    Here's a link to an article on how to cope with the stress this time of the year. Calm is a paid app, but there are some free meditation in this article. And if meditation isn't for you, there are still some good ideas in that article...
  15. tanteva

    I made it! 12 monthly pages of 2022

    Finished my project of making a monthly page on the 7th of each month! I'm amazed - I actually did it! I tend to get bored with things, and never finish.
  16. tanteva

    New products on sale?

    Anyone having an idea of how long new products have the lower price? Love Palvinka's new kit, but I'm not really comfortable with using PayPal on the hotel's wifi.
  17. tanteva

    Question about Dexter

    Ok, so I've heard a lot about Dexter from like everywhere, but never seen it. Then a girl at work told me she had the DVD set & lend it to us. We've just seen the first episode ....... and it was total crap! Was just wondering: does the show go on in the same style? Or does it get better...
  18. tanteva

    Saving money tips

    The world is a crazy place right now & it's messing with my head. One of the things I stress about is the cost of food. Feels like everything is getting more and more expensive by the minute! Or the shrinkflation - drives me crazy. If you don't know, shrinkflation means how the food producers...
  19. tanteva

    Daily Ooos August 13-14 ::: Weekend Edition

    Ok, everyone. BEHAVE! I think Chris is coming back today.
  20. tanteva

    Daily Ooos: Thursday, August 11

    Just can't resist to do this: