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  1. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'swimmingly'

    oh oh, what a picture!! I am loving the underwater!
  2. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Crazy Me'

    oh, I am just drooling over the lens and the camera...then I finally looked at the layout...wow lady, you are beyond fab!
  3. nectar of the gods

    nectar of the gods

    okay, first off I am on the CT for the Digi Chicks, in with that I get to see the new releases early...Julie of Sherwood Studios had this kit; COFFEE TIME and it was the PERFECT excuse to drive up the mountain for a cinnabon and coffee!! hahaha.... what a girl will do for a designer she loves!
  4. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Awesomeness'

    You grabbed my attention and I want others to see! Finger Pointed you today on the Gallery Stand Out Blog!
  5. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'The Things You Say...'

    I am just blown away at this idea and wishing I had written down the words of my kids! You have made a page that is beyond wonderful, I love it so much!
  6. street children

    street children

    Street children are the worst victims of child labor in Nepal. Life on the streets has always been unstable, but it is further unstable in Nepal due to the deteriorating socio-economic infrastructure. The life of the Nepalese street children is so pathetic that with the little money they make...
  7. bye bye mousetache

    bye bye mousetache

    After 25 years with a moustache, my honey shaved it off! He had had the same style moustache for all that time, seeing his bare lip was different! But we all like it! This is a mini kit by Etc. by Danyale called Handle Bar-ber shop, and it is pure fun. I did use some brushes for the...
  8. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'If You Only Knew'

    I love your page! You have been Finger Pointed today on the Gallery Stand Outs blog!
  9. True Love Waits

    True Love Waits

    what an elegant kit, I have to say, this layout just seemed to happen Love In the Park eNKay Design
  10. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'B&W'

    Oh boy do I love this page! You have been featured on Finger Pointing GSO blog today!
  11. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'the day she asked for pigtails'

    oh she is beyond adorable!! I love this everyday moment captured forever in such wonder!
  12. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'watch me swing'

    my tummy lurched with his no fear swinging! I love the angle of this shot and having it all big and wonderful!
  13. Back to School Supplies??? wow

    Back to School Supplies??? wow

    A is for Apple a collab of the wonderful Digi Chick designers I so enjoyed playing with this collab, and whew laughing as my money disappears for supplies this year!
  14. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Steampunk'

    I am flat out in love with your page and woot to you! You have been featured on GSO Finger Pointing
  15. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'vacation'

    I am flat out in love with your page and woot to you! You have been featured on GSO Finger Pointing
  16. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Le renard'

    Thank you for your talent, I Finger Pointed you today on the GSO blog
  17. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Simply sweet {photos}'

    woot and double woot, you have been featured today on the GSO Finger Pointing Blog
  18. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Captured'

    I know it isn't polite to point, but I couldn't help myself, you have been pointed at with my finger on the Gallery Stand Out blog today!
  19. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Belly Button'

    I love it!! You have been Finger Pointed!! http://gallerystandouts.com/fingerpointing/2011/finger-pointing-june-21st/
  20. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'That Special Smile'

    WooooooooooHOO! You have been Finger Pointed on the Gallery Stand Out blog