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  1. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'AJ September Week 2 - Focus'

    Such a cheerful page! Caught my eye right away!
  2. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'May art journal 1.jpg'

    I LOVE that song!!!!!!!! :heartpumpred: :pleasantry: :haloslip:
  3. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'Hello Fall Sig'

    Thank you. My dream car is a Turquoise (or Indigo blue) Jeep! LOL Hoping to have my hands on one before the year ends.
  4. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'Hello Fall Sig'

    Thank you Tracy. It was time for a change.
  5. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'Finding the light - AJ August Week 2'

    I echo the thoughts about this journaling. We ALL need reminding that life has more good than we give credit for. You made me think of this passage: "you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the...
  6. Hello Fall Sig

    Hello Fall Sig

    PK Bloom n Grow JD Fallulous FLD Fall in Love Martavaneck
  7. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'A New Focus AJ Sept2Focus'

    Oh my. Thank you!
  8. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'Not All Who Wander Are Lost'

    I LOVE the quote embedded in the road!!! Excellent!!
  9. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'A New Focus AJ Sept2Focus'

    Thanks. Yes, it is ever in the forefront of our thoughts. We no longer see a future where we are staying right now. After a LONG season of sabbatical, we sense a call to this new area that feels like HOME.
  10. A New Focus    AJ Sept2Focus

    A New Focus AJ Sept2Focus

    We just wanted to visit; a "Memory Lane goodbye" of sorts. But it surprised us with a HUGE "Hello!" and a calling back. We both felt it and now we are seeing a new focus for our future!
  11. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'September AJ Challenge Week 2 {FOCUS}'

    Hugs to you, friend. Yesterday was the two month mark for Dad. Mom has nearly given up living. I say I understand, but I didn't live with someone for 73 years, yet, so I don't, really. "The two shall become One flesh" isn't jargon, it's real. It's why it matters so much that we have God's...
  12. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'Momma O's September Challenge'

    LOVE the angle of the photo's building- this makes such a great comp.!!
  13. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media 'CarolW September Template Challenge'

    Ohhhh this is great! We were to have gone too, but events prohibited it. My husband is 1/3 Eastern Band Cherokee. We are going up to Cherokee NC next month for the week long fair. Looking forward to him being part of the Veteran Warrior Dance.
  14. Amandajk

    Comment by 'Amandajk' in media '911-where were you when the world stopped turning that september morn-web.jpg'

    Same here. Effective composition and journaling on all pages.
  15. Amandajk

    September Challenge #7 - Quote It

    I like the quote. Thanks.
  16. My Life in Pieces Quote Challenge.jpg

    My Life in Pieces Quote Challenge.jpg
