
Search results

  1. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'Adorable'

    Trop belle cette page!!
  2. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'Moment Captured'

    Quel dhanch!!!lol Ta page m'a tout de suite attir l'oeil et quand j'ai vu qu'elle tait de toi, je n'ai pas t tonne!! Bises
  3. 5 ans

    5 ans

    Credits : "Intensity" by LieN available @digital crea I have made this LO for my 5th birthday' son, celebrated december 24. Thanks for looking ;)
  4. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'The Two of Us'

    Cette page est superbe!!
  5. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'my wish'

    So beautiful page!!
  6. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'The sun shines brighter with you'

    Love that page!! It is nice to see some warm page with the cold weather we have!
  7. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas

    Credits : papers "Warm woolen mittens" Three Paper Peonies frame and elements by Ange ****Photography by M.Photographie**** http://m-photographie.com/blog/ Pictures on this website are NOT free images Thanks for looking :)
  8. Waiting for Christmas

    Waiting for Christmas

    Credits : papers "Warm woolen mittens" Three Paper Peonies frame and elements by Ange ****Photography by M.Photographie**** http://m-photographie.com/blog/ Pictures on this website are NOT free images Thanks for looking :)
  9. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'iesa'

    This is so cute!
  10. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'Me'

    I love the LO , and the picture as well... great page!
  11. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'Jerusalem'

    Beautiful LO!
  12. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'Be Yourself'

  13. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'travel, this way'

    Thanks Lorraine for your comment, I was very glad to have it! I am a fan of your work!
  14. Doll


    Credits : "Warm woolen mittens" Three Paper Peonies Wordart by Paislee Press and I Thanks for looking ;)
  15. The Sheep for Sleep

    The Sheep for Sleep

    Credits : ****new**** "The Sheep for Sleep" by Droopette http://familylambert.canalblog.com/ available @ digital crea http://digitalcrea.fr/ Thanks for looking ;)
  16. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'printemps'

    Cette page m'a interpelle et c'est en cliquant dessus que j'ai vu tes autres pages... et j'ai reconnu ce que j'avais dj vu sur ton blog!! "Mais c'est Katell!!" La photo me plait beaucoup ; j'aime bien les couleurs... Belle page!! Bises
  17. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'Simple Pleasures'

    Great page!
  18. L.Scraps

    Comment by 'L.Scraps' in media 'FIRST CHRISTMAS JOY'

    I love that page!! Beautiful design!
  19. Soif


    Credits : **********new*********** kit "Men on fire" by Droopette available @digital crea Thanks for looking :)