
Search results

  1. Pavlik


    credit: All - Bohemian Art design paper - ColourRain (Destroyed paper Templates by Timkova) frame, string - JungleFever leaves, roses - roses leaves, flower - Nature Alpha - New glitter alpha
  2. My most beautiful roses

    My most beautiful roses

    This is a RAK for Jarka and her adorable little girl! I hope she is likes it! TFL! credit: all - Bohemian Art Design ***new***Roses will be available from July 15th at ScrapArtist.com. paper, frame, fencelight, petals, beads - Kit Sakura font AL Sandra
  3. Beautiful day

    Beautiful day

    credit: all - design by Bohemian Art kit, sakura, natural and strawberry font - Learning Curve
  4. My cute boy

    My cute boy

    credit: all - design by Bohemian Art new paper pack Earthy kit poppies, flowery overlay, strawberry, natural and sakura Font - Al Sandra
  5. Kubicek


    credit: all - Bohemian Art design paper, long leaves - Nature kit flowery overlay - flowery overlay others - poppies kit
  6. Pavlik


    credit: all - Bohemian Art overlay - flowery overlay ribbon, glitter, staple, leaves, ladybird - kit natural paper, poppy, leaves, log, stitches - kit poppies frame - kit strawberry knot frame - kit sakura
  7. crazy paparazzi

    crazy paparazzi

    credit: red poppy, leaves - AHSummerfield by Aprilmous and Hanulienka others - poppies by Bohemian ART font - Al Sandra
  8. Guys


    credit: all - new kit Poppies by Bohemian Art available from June 24th at ScrapArtist.com
  9. Pavlik


    credit: all - new kit Poppies by Bohemian Art available from June 24th at ScrapArtist.com
  10. Pavlik


    credit: glitter - magical night by Sita stars, ribbon - Natural by Bohemian Art others - strawberry by Bohemian Art stitchedAlpa - New stitchedAlpha by Bohemian Art font - Al Sandra
  11. Paja


    credit: all - strawberry by Bohemian Art
  12. Pavlik


    credit: all - nature kit by Bohemian Art and Long leaves kit strawberry
  13. Paja


    credit: all - kit nature by Bohemian Art
  14. Kubik


    credit: all - strawberry by Bohemian Art font - Al Sandra
  15. I love your ....

    I love your ....

    credit: all - strawberry by Bohemian Art font - Al Sandra