
Search results

  1. vacay


    One Little Bird Abide Vinnie Pearce Poised and My Sister kits Mary Ann Wise Basic Stitches
  2. stay a while

    stay a while

    One Little Bird - Abide. Font - Pea Jamie.
  3. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'scenes from a...'

    sweet sweet sweet. great design.
  4. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media '2 men in a boat'

    oh my! this is simply fantastic!
  5. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media '...unique...'

    love your neutral colour palette.
  6. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'Catch'

    awwww. sweet.
  7. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'sweet !'

    I totally love this design.
  8. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'This Was Then'

    love this page. the design rocks!
  9. Do Not Stay Long

    Do Not Stay Long

    about my life with fibro credits: Suddenly Artistic Life in Black and White and Beautifulmess by Emily Powers and TaylorMade Designs. fonts: Avril Lavigne and 2Peas Billboard please forgive my typo...must remember to fix this before going to print.
  10. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'NOT PERFECT'

    this photo is perfect. a real moment caught on camera.
  11. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'EVERY MOMENT'

    (((gasp!))) this is amazing!
  12. bite for Nana

    bite for Nana

    Journaling: Although you have always been a good eater, I remember well that you would slow your eating or decide you were done and we would say, Have a bite for Nana and you would. We would follow it with, Have a bite for Bampie, or Have a bite for Mommy, etc. and you would keep eating that...
  13. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'holiday{fail}'

    found this on GSO. spectacular!
  14. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'i wish i wish'

    love how your design is perfectly weighted.
  15. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'Me'

  16. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'love'

    wow! simply beautiful!
  17. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'Luna'

    too cute for words!
  18. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'birthday cake'

    great design and brushwork!
  19. Mindy Hanson

    Comment by 'Mindy Hanson' in media 'So Easy To Love You'

    beautiful brushwork and simplicity.