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  1. newbie2digi

    Gallery Guidelines - Updated 2024

    I think it has been awhile since I last participated, so I've read and I understand.
  2. newbie2digi


    This deep red speaks to me. Lovely
  3. newbie2digi


    May I please have gift number 1?
  4. newbie2digi

    How do you display your scrapbooking layouts?

    I don't permanently display my work. I post to Facebook and Instagram and once in a blue moon to a forum. But otherwise, nothing is in a format to be seen. I've playing with the idea of changing the size of my work to put it in an electronic display frame. Just haven't done that yet.
  5. newbie2digi

    Color palette or theme

    I refuse to choose. :rolleyes:;) I think it all depends on my state of mind when I sit down to work. My work more is based on the mood of what I'm trying to accomplish. If I feel like I want to tell a particular story from our family memories, it will most likely be a theme. I tend to organize...
  6. newbie2digi

    What's your favorite and least favorite scrapping style?

    My favorite styles use fantasy, deep colors (no pastels) and mixed media elements. I waffle between actually scrapbooking photo(s) and just creating a scene that is artsy and has nothing to do with my scrapping, but everything to do with my art. I've been known to dabble in a lot of styles - if...
  7. newbie2digi

    Are you a one-kit scrapper?

    I probably couldn't contain myself to one kit if my life depended on it. It is hard enough sticking to the kits from one website ;-) The only time I ever managed sticking to one kit was when I worked on a design team. Now that the designer is no longer creating, I'm lose and about again. That...
  8. newbie2digi

    How do you stay organized?

    When I used photoshop elements and used the organizer to tag and sort everything, I was very organized. But then I switched over to PhotoshopCC and, there went the organization. Now, I think I'm more of a laughing in the face of chaos kind of scrapper. I've been taking a bit more time in the...
  9. newbie2digi

    Digital format to fit electronic display frames?

    Thank you. Your directions make sense. I'd been thinking that I would have to put the oblong layout on a square "background". Does it not stretch your pixels? But maybe it doesn't matter as it is shrunk to the 600x600. I'll just have to give it a try. But, your explanation is spot on...
  10. newbie2digi

    Digital format to fit electronic display frames?

    Thanks. You definitely answered what I asked. I knew how to make it happen, I just wondered if anyone else was actually doing something other than a square layout or an. 8 1/2 x 11 which seem to be standard digital sizes. I wonder how changing up might limit my ability to upload to digital...
  11. newbie2digi

    Digital format to fit electronic display frames?

    I am thinking about changing from my usual 12x12 digital format so that I can display my pages/art in an electronic photo display frame. Has anyone done this? If so, please share the details. Since I never seem to print out the 12x12 pages, my family doesn't get to see them.
  12. newbie2digi

    Comment by 'newbie2digi' in media 'Sunflowers...'

    I love this! Super wow!
  13. newbie2digi

    January Challenge #6 - Artsy/Mixed Media

    This is brilliant. Very clever.
  14. newbie2digi

    Starting a new layout

    I have a more literal response to your question. I start out every layout with a "paper". I have a 12x12 orange textured paper that I have save in PSCC with all the settings pre set. I open up the orange paper and then build on it, like it is a foundation. Then, most of the time, I just...
  15. newbie2digi

    Comment by 'newbie2digi' in media 'Life Begins'

    I love the color and use of pattern and yet it comes off as a very subtle background.
  16. newbie2digi

    Comment by 'newbie2digi' in media 'Fearless-today.jpg'

    The playful elements bring out the personality in the photo. Awesome.
  17. newbie2digi

    Comment by 'newbie2digi' in media 'I Lived'

    Really love how you bring it into focus.
  18. Whoyoushouldbeweb2.jpg


    mixed media, digital art journal
  19. Imissweb3.jpg


    mixed media journal page
  20. newbie2digi

    Comment by 'newbie2digi' in media 'Fearless'

    well done