
Daily Ooos: April 20-21: Earth Day Weekend Edition!


The Loopy-O
This is how I would *love* to celebrate Earth Day:

Me and a bunch of friends chilling in a tree. ♥
So yeah, technically Earth Day is Monday but IMHO, every day should be Earth Day so I'm happy to celebrate as much as possible. I also hope being outside today will help me reset my mood because it was the pits yesterday. Gary was having Lyme Brain Mood so after dealing with my parents the day before, my patience threshold was somewhere in the 9 levels of hell. I basically did a whole lotta nothing yesterday-- which in turn aggravates me. And that makes me even less motivated to do anything positive.

The best part of the day was going to see Scott's Campfire talk. He says he isn't a good public speaker but he is wrong. And I swear I am not saying that because I am his mom. Gary agrees too! :giggle4: He is so engaging and funny (although his work humor is different than being at the dinner table humor-- and that's a good thing LOL). It was the first time the Parks Dept did anything like this so there were a few hiccups but man, he rolled with it and I think it was better. They had a screen set up for a slideshow but it wasn't dark enough to use the projector. So we all huddled around the fire pit and he spoke to us very informally and had people share some stories and thoughts. One woman had a ghost story from a time she was horseback riding in Jungle Habitat. Jungle Habitat is an abandoned safari park located in my town. There are remnants of the buildings and cages on the property which now belong to the state. Anyway-- this woman had the creepiest story being back there and her friend took a photograph that showed a baby elephant. She suggested that a hike back there would be awesome- and I agree. I've never been back there and I think it would be fascinating. He is a County Park Ranger and that is State land so he would have to coordinate but I hope it happens.

I finally found out that I am working today, not hosting a craft but helping out as needed. I am going earlier than the schedule so I can tag along on the Forest Bathing hike. Scott's got a table there for the Parks Dept so I'll hang with him for a few before I am officially on the clock. I'd better get going soon-- I have to wash my hair, it smells like campfire.

And I have to call my mom before I leave here. I decided that I am going to PA Sun-Mon with her. My dad's urologist recheck didn't go as he had hoped yesterday. The doctor saw more spots of cancer so he needs to have another biopsy and the doctor will administer the chemo at the same time. The good news is that it can be done after his shoulder replacement which is next Friday. But that means he won't be able to get up to the house for a longer time. I'll go up with my mom and help get things ready for the summer. Always somethin' :(

And yes, now I really need to post this, do quick personals, and then off to work. In the woods. ♥


Well-Known Member
This is how I would *love* to celebrate Earth Day:

Me and a bunch of friends chilling in a tree. ♥
So yeah, technically Earth Day is Monday but IMHO, every day should be Earth Day so I'm happy to celebrate as much as possible. I also hope being outside today will help me reset my mood because it was the pits yesterday. Gary was having Lyme Brain Mood so after dealing with my parents the day before, my patience threshold was somewhere in the 9 levels of hell. I basically did a whole lotta nothing yesterday-- which in turn aggravates me. And that makes me even less motivated to do anything positive.

The best part of the day was going to see Scott's Campfire talk. He says he isn't a good public speaker but he is wrong. And I swear I am not saying that because I am his mom. Gary agrees too! :giggle4: He is so engaging and funny (although his work humor is different than being at the dinner table humor-- and that's a good thing LOL). It was the first time the Parks Dept did anything like this so there were a few hiccups but man, he rolled with it and I think it was better. They had a screen set up for a slideshow but it wasn't dark enough to use the projector. So we all huddled around the fire pit and he spoke to us very informally and had people share some stories and thoughts. One woman had a ghost story from a time she was horseback riding in Jungle Habitat. Jungle Habitat is an abandoned safari park located in my town. There are remnants of the buildings and cages on the property which now belong to the state. Anyway-- this woman had the creepiest story being back there and her friend took a photograph that showed a baby elephant. She suggested that a hike back there would be awesome- and I agree. I've never been back there and I think it would be fascinating. He is a County Park Ranger and that is State land so he would have to coordinate but I hope it happens.

I finally found out that I am working today, not hosting a craft but helping out as needed. I am going earlier than the schedule so I can tag along on the Forest Bathing hike. Scott's got a table there for the Parks Dept so I'll hang with him for a few before I am officially on the clock. I'd better get going soon-- I have to wash my hair, it smells like campfire.

And I have to call my mom before I leave here. I decided that I am going to PA Sun-Mon with her. My dad's urologist recheck didn't go as he had hoped yesterday. The doctor saw more spots of cancer so he needs to have another biopsy and the doctor will administer the chemo at the same time. The good news is that it can be done after his shoulder replacement which is next Friday. But that means he won't be able to get up to the house for a longer time. I'll go up with my mom and help get things ready for the summer. Always somethin' :(

And yes, now I really need to post this, do quick personals, and then off to work. In the woods. ♥

I agree - everyday should be Earth Day, we need to look after it more than we look after ourselves! Sorry about your dads news :( Hope your day gets better <3

I just finished watching the F1 sprint race and now I'm off to bed. I'm looking forward to the Grand Prix tomorrow. I plan on getting my housework (and x-carting) finished well before the race starts so I can sit down and enjoy it with a wine or two :wine3:


The Loopy-O
Sounds like wine was definitely called for - i probably would have started while I was still with the parents
They asked if I wanted a glass of amaretto after lunch. I said no because then I wouldn't be able to leave :drunk:
hehehe-- if a recipe calls for X number of cloves, I'll automatically double it. I made broccoli and cavatelli the other night and minced some of the garlic and sliced some of it so there would be yummy garlic in every bite.
What are Turkish loaves? Do you make them yourself or from the store? Sounds soooo good!

@bcgal00 How was birding, anything new that you saw? Scott and Sam have been enjoying their bird feeder and learning all about the birds they see too. I'm hoping that he can teach me some of that soon.
Did you get the credenza put together? Your house must be pretty much all done, other than the yard. So exciting!
I know that my mom doesn't want to buy a new dress for Cait's wedding. Her mom had picked her dress for my wedding and then passed away 2 months before. She was buried in the dress and I put a corsage on her since she would have gotten one for the wedding. My mom is superstitious as well so that just adds to it.

@BrightEyes Did the gas prices jump by you too? 50 cents a gallon in the past month. I topped off my tank on my way home from my parents because it's much more expensive up here and I am glad I did!
That's a pain in the butt about PSE24 and Win 11. Glad that you have 19 to use in the meantime.

@AK_Tracy What???? A doctor said you ate too much garlic??

I'd have fired him too!
couch prescribing no phd here just snarky thoughts....
That's how I roll too! I know that I should walk out but at the same time, it's always in the back of my mind that they are old and I'm terrified that the last thing I do is be mad at them. I do "grey rock" with Gary but can't seem to do it with them once I am pushed past a certain point. venting is so helpful and the group has been my saving grace for years. Glad that you are part of it :)

@JeanneMN So sorry that your family gives you agita too. It's awful when you love them and are angry at the same time.
Soapboxes are fine here, I have mine under my desk at all times LOL
There's even an emoji :soapbox:
Thanks for sharing your experience... I appreciate it and I 100% understand :hug3:
BTW- It must be Tracy who has the 4 dogs, I know someone new to the O said that.

@Cherylndesigns It must have been so comforting meeting the people who have helped you through Chuck's passing.
Oh yes, our families are so similar. Always has our back.
That is awesome that you were able to help Aly, what a special night for her to watch the ballet and to sit next to someone who is also a dancer.

Tracy- sorry, we didn't warn you that the O is addicting. Oops. That must have slipped my mind! :angelwhistle:

Jeanne- I am actually quite shy (read: insecure) in person until I get to know you. It's easier here, everyone is amazing.

I told you, that you would love it :p all of us SG ladies have been wrapped up in a big O hug and they ain't letting go lol

Nope. We don't :grouphugyay:
(It's like Hotel California but in a good, creative way)

@scrap-genie We miss you here so much and its always a special treat when you stop in ♥


Well-Known Member
@scrap-genie We miss you here so much and its always a special treat when you stop in ♥

@faerywings Chris, that's so sweet of you! :lovey3: My computer genealogy group meeting is soon so I'm up early (for me). There are different sessions and I do two. One's easy about a computer program but this afternoon I'm talking about something a little outside my normal. Hoping it gets some folks thinking and researching more. Know you're having fun working outdoors. Scott's talk sounds super. Keep giving the birds a try too. :wow2:


Morning, gals. Wow.. yesterday was quite a day!!! Left the house at 9AM and didn't get home until 3PM! Got to the base pharmacy to see that it was running as usual (before the hack happened)!! Turned in my Rx then did a bit of shopping in the Exchange and had an early lunch and picked up my meds!!! Whoo-whee!!! Got gas for the car, did a couple more errands before heading home. I got the weed killer so will be spraying the front yard - when the wind dies down.

Talked to DD#1 after I got home.. she was just calling to see how things are going. Her allergies are really bothering her - especially her eyes. Pollen counts are off the charts right now. It is bothering me but not as bad as hers. And I talked to Sister. Her park was without water for 2 days then had a 'boil water' for another day. Thankfully that is past now.

@faerywings Glad you got to spend time with Scott and enjoy his firelight chat!!! Sorry the parents are still bickering - that is hard on anyone's nerves. Bad news about your Dad's cancer spots popping up again. But good that the treatment for it will be after his shoulder surgery.
Our gas prices here dropped about 35 cents per gallon in the last week. Glad I had put off getting it until yesterday.

@scrap-genie So glad to see you popping back in.

@DesignsByCRK Sounds like you have your weekend plotted out and filled with fun watching. Hope you get the x-cart done early so you can relax and enjoy the races.

Have a LO or 2 that I need to upload and a couple of others to work on... so better get busy with that. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I will be heading out soon with D to check out our local community garage sale and then pop over to the community craft fair. Then D can get lunch on the way back and I'll take the dogs to the park. I'm busy every day with activities for the next 10 days or so. How did my life get so busy??? LOL. It's fun though.

@faerywings Sorry to hear about your dad's checkup. Have fun in the woods today. Yes, I saw a (new to me) duck. In my latest batch on FB there is a photo of a duck with red eyes. I'll have to ask the group what that is when I see them next week. It might be a grebe but I am not sure. If it's a grebe, it is different from the one in Kamloops.

@BrightEyes Lucky you, your gas prices dropped. Ours went up quite a bit and haven't dropped. The next town over is significantly cheaper so at least I can fill up when I am over there. Our little town is expensive (gas and taxes higher here).

I'm getting out of here, got to get ready to head out. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning.

Quick in and out for me. Adrienne and I are going to Muskogee today and probably won't be back until around dinner time. Who knows how long we'll be gone. Chris @faerywings sounds like Scott's presentation went so well. I'm sure you weren't the least bit proud of him (hehehe). I forgot to tell you that the Ava got 2 new small trees one for her and one for "Chuck". Cherokee Nation was selling them for a very nominal fee for Earth Day. They're both Dogwoods.

I'll try to get back in here later on but I'd better get off now and get cleaned up. We're leaving at 11 and it's 10:15. We're taking Roger to pick up a rental car first so there's no flexibility on time. :lol23:



Well-Known Member
@faerywings Sounds like you had fun with the campfire. As for parents, yeah I get it. You dont want the last thing you say/do to be mean and have regrets. I didn't mean stay away, but an hour. Half my thoughts never make it from my mind to the computer.:coffeescreen: It took me a long time to learn to grey rock my parental unit. But I had to. She always spikes my BP. Mostly mine is phone calls though as she's hours away from me.

And yes, its me. I have four dogs.:walkingdog::runningdog::runningdog::runningdog: Two hunting dogs (wire-haired pointing griffons) and the boys two dogs (shih-tzu). Being (haha) spring, the hunting dogs are blowing their coats and the hair is everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Oh burrrr! Another chilly one today & just had a freeze warning come through on my phone. We went to my hub's sister's mil Celebration of Life this morning. No ceremony, just people gathering to remember & tell stories. They had her photo albums of trips & family out on tables & she not only took pictures, but all of them had written notes on them. I'm a picture taker to the max, but I'm terrible at writing down what they are, I always think I'm going to remember. Hah. Fat chance, I walk downstairs and can't remember why when I get there, it's not like 8 flights of stairs.Then there are my "safe places". I put buttons for a sweater in a safe place 15 years ago, I don't remember where, but they are safe with the purple wool because it's in the same safe place. The sweater never got finished because you know they don't sell buttons anymore. Sheesh, I'm the queen of UFOs in every craft imaginable.


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday (Sunday night for Carolyn)!

What a day yesterday and I mean that in the best way!! (for a change *wink*) I was exhausted by the time I got home. I clocked 12K steps and almost 6 miles between 11 and 3.30. It was such a smart idea to start the day on the Forest Bathing Hike. Lauren (my boss and one of Scott's BFFs) has such a soothing way about her on these hikes. Each time I go, I learn something new as well as do some good for my soul. I helped Laney with the macroinvertebrate program and what a trip that was! The kids were finding so many macros- some huge crayfish, lots of mayflies, more of the caddisfly cases (they fascinate me, how a larva can build its own case out of twigs and leaves. Nature is crazy!). Someone even found a tiny salamander. Laney is the sweetest, she laughs at me every time I get super excited about a new macro I can identify and is happy that someone is as enthusiastic about them as her. I think we are going to work great together on the field trips. I hung out with Scott for a while and watched him explain about beavers and how beaver dams work. He was happy seeing so many of his old coworkers too, he enjoyed working there. I can 100% see why. :lovey3:

I am off to PA with my mom in a few hours. I don't have to pack a lot since I'll be back tomorrow night. Just tossing some clothes in a bag and my pillow.

Since I won't be here tomorrow morning, whoever is in the mood to open the Monday thread-- please go ahead. Thank you!

PS: Try to behave this time. Every time I go away for a couple of days, someone starts throwing ketchup bottles and I come back to a mess. :mopping:



Well-Known Member
Happy Sunday (Sunday night for Carolyn)!

What a day yesterday and I mean that in the best way!! (for a change *wink*) I was exhausted by the time I got home. I clocked 12K steps and almost 6 miles between 11 and 3.30. It was such a smart idea to start the day on the Forest Bathing Hike. Lauren (my boss and one of Scott's BFFs) has such a soothing way about her on these hikes. Each time I go, I learn something new as well as do some good for my soul. I helped Laney with the macroinvertebrate program and what a trip that was! The kids were finding so many macros- some huge crayfish, lots of mayflies, more of the caddisfly cases (they fascinate me, how a larva can build its own case out of twigs and leaves. Nature is crazy!). Someone even found a tiny salamander. Laney is the sweetest, she laughs at me every time I get super excited about a new macro I can identify and is happy that someone is as enthusiastic about them as her. I think we are going to work great together on the field trips. I hung out with Scott for a while and watched him explain about beavers and how beaver dams work. He was happy seeing so many of his old coworkers too, he enjoyed working there. I can 100% see why. :lovey3:

I am off to PA with my mom in a few hours. I don't have to pack a lot since I'll be back tomorrow night. Just tossing some clothes in a bag and my pillow.

Since I won't be here tomorrow morning, whoever is in the mood to open the Monday thread-- please go ahead. Thank you!

PS: Try to behave this time. Every time I go away for a couple of days, someone starts throwing ketchup bottles and I come back to a mess. :mopping:


Yep Sunday night and I'm about ready for bed. Cooked an amazing beef casserole for dinner - can't take much credit though because I used a flavour base from the supermarket and threw all the ingredients in the slow cooker. But damn it was good. I like to do slow cooker meals on race day so that I don't miss any of the race lol. Priorities!

I forgot to answer you about turkish bread - it's sort of like their version of focaccia I think - thick, crusty and a little bubbly and you can get flavoured ones. I use the garlic flavoured one to make garlic bread - gives it a bit of extra flavour.

Sounds like a tiring, but good day. Have a good trip! travel safe and have some fun :)

*Gets ready to duck the flying ketchup bottles*

P.S. I ain't cleaning it up


The Loopy-O
@DesignsByCRK OH.EM.GEEEEEE! Is that a beaver holding a glass of rose????
Nope, not a beaver- what I thought was a tail is a tree or log. The face is too pointy too. (yes I did have to click on the avatar to see it bigger) Whatever that little guy is, can I pet him??? He has to be an Aussie friend. I love him.

@scrap-genie :love: Hope the second genealogy session went well, I bet it was awesome and informative.
Yup, slowly but surely I am starting to pick up a little more about birds. I might not be able to ID a lot of them but I am noticing things like body and tail shape, some markings, and a few calls and songs.

@BrightEyes I hope you had time to relax yesterday after your busy Friday out and about. I bet the pollen is going up here too, what a difference being in the woods yesterday compared to last week. So much green! I love it even if my eyeballs don't. Can your DD#1 take anything for her allergies?
Sheesh! I hope the gas $ comes down here like it did for you.

@bcgal00 Did you find anything neat at the garage sales/craft fair? That's awesome that your community puts that together.
You are so active and busy and I bet you love every minute. You really have found your people in Calgary ♥
I'm going to have to look for your latest bird photos.

@Cherylndesigns Roger: :waiting: :whip3:

Hope you all had a nice day out. How nice to get some new trees, especially one for Chuck. Wil Ava put in near the bench or totem?

Half my thoughts never make it from my mind to the computer.:coffeescreen:
If you get half of your thoughts from your mind to computer you are in way better shape than me. I mean-- do you see how I ramble?? Bwhahah!
The backstory with Scott is that he had an extremely difficult time finding himself. He was very sick with Lyme Disease and was off the rails in 7-8th grades. We had to pull him out of school in 8th grade or he would have been expelled. He had a teacher come to the house for home instruction. (she is the lady I now clean for :D) For years and years, he didn't want to do anything, no future plans. Nothing. Took him a few different majors in college before he settled on Environmental Science, he got a scholarship/internship at Weis and found his calling. He's been a Park Ranger for 3 years now and loves being out in the woods.
My mom and I are very close-- me and my dad too- but sometimes when she goes on her b****-fests, I do online jigsaw puzzles to keep my BP down. It takes just enough attention to keep me from focusing solely on the same stuff she has complained about for years. Mostly about my dad. I feel guilty but it's better than me getting snippy. YKWIM?
I had three dogs for a few years and the tumbleweeds of fur-- ugh. Can't imagine it with 4!

@JeanneMN The celebration of life sounds like a wonderful way to remember a person. I am with you-- I have no idea what photos are of what/when/who. My advice to new moms is to write everything down-- for that same reason, you think you'll remember but you never do. LOL
Safe spaces!! :rotfl: You have them too? And still can't find anything... I'm with ya, sister...

Carolyn- turkish bread sounds yummy! All bread is good unless it's ruined by raisins. You should see what I do with Irish Soda bread. LOL!



Love my O Family!
This is how I would *love* to celebrate Earth Day:

Me and a bunch of friends chilling in a tree. ♥
So yeah, technically Earth Day is Monday but IMHO, every day should be Earth Day so I'm happy to celebrate as much as possible. I also hope being outside today will help me reset my mood because it was the pits yesterday. Gary was having Lyme Brain Mood so after dealing with my parents the day before, my patience threshold was somewhere in the 9 levels of hell. I basically did a whole lotta nothing yesterday-- which in turn aggravates me. And that makes me even less motivated to do anything positive.

The best part of the day was going to see Scott's Campfire talk. He says he isn't a good public speaker but he is wrong. And I swear I am not saying that because I am his mom. Gary agrees too! :giggle4: He is so engaging and funny (although his work humor is different than being at the dinner table humor-- and that's a good thing LOL). It was the first time the Parks Dept did anything like this so there were a few hiccups but man, he rolled with it and I think it was better. They had a screen set up for a slideshow but it wasn't dark enough to use the projector. So we all huddled around the fire pit and he spoke to us very informally and had people share some stories and thoughts. One woman had a ghost story from a time she was horseback riding in Jungle Habitat. Jungle Habitat is an abandoned safari park located in my town. There are remnants of the buildings and cages on the property which now belong to the state. Anyway-- this woman had the creepiest story being back there and her friend took a photograph that showed a baby elephant. She suggested that a hike back there would be awesome- and I agree. I've never been back there and I think it would be fascinating. He is a County Park Ranger and that is State land so he would have to coordinate but I hope it happens.

I finally found out that I am working today, not hosting a craft but helping out as needed. I am going earlier than the schedule so I can tag along on the Forest Bathing hike. Scott's got a table there for the Parks Dept so I'll hang with him for a few before I am officially on the clock. I'd better get going soon-- I have to wash my hair, it smells like campfire.

And I have to call my mom before I leave here. I decided that I am going to PA Sun-Mon with her. My dad's urologist recheck didn't go as he had hoped yesterday. The doctor saw more spots of cancer so he needs to have another biopsy and the doctor will administer the chemo at the same time. The good news is that it can be done after his shoulder replacement which is next Friday. But that means he won't be able to get up to the house for a longer time. I'll go up with my mom and help get things ready for the summer. Always somethin' :(

And yes, now I really need to post this, do quick personals, and then off to work. In the woods. ♥
Sorry to hear about your dad :(


Love my O Family!
Happy Sunday (Sunday night for Carolyn)!

What a day yesterday and I mean that in the best way!! (for a change *wink*) I was exhausted by the time I got home. I clocked 12K steps and almost 6 miles between 11 and 3.30. It was such a smart idea to start the day on the Forest Bathing Hike. Lauren (my boss and one of Scott's BFFs) has such a soothing way about her on these hikes. Each time I go, I learn something new as well as do some good for my soul. I helped Laney with the macroinvertebrate program and what a trip that was! The kids were finding so many macros- some huge crayfish, lots of mayflies, more of the caddisfly cases (they fascinate me, how a larva can build its own case out of twigs and leaves. Nature is crazy!). Someone even found a tiny salamander. Laney is the sweetest, she laughs at me every time I get super excited about a new macro I can identify and is happy that someone is as enthusiastic about them as her. I think we are going to work great together on the field trips. I hung out with Scott for a while and watched him explain about beavers and how beaver dams work. He was happy seeing so many of his old coworkers too, he enjoyed working there. I can 100% see why. :lovey3:

I am off to PA with my mom in a few hours. I don't have to pack a lot since I'll be back tomorrow night. Just tossing some clothes in a bag and my pillow.

Since I won't be here tomorrow morning, whoever is in the mood to open the Monday thread-- please go ahead. Thank you!

PS: Try to behave this time. Every time I go away for a couple of days, someone starts throwing ketchup bottles and I come back to a mess. :mopping:

:waving1 waving to you as we pass each other as we're on our way back from PA today! However we probably won't really pass one another since you are traveling from NJ and we're heading to NC!


Well-Known Member
Quick pop in here, I need a hot shower . I'm shaking so bad I can hardly-write. After 70s and 80s last weekend, hubs changed the furnace filter and switched all of the registers to their AC position. Minnesota just laughed & we've had 30s the last 3 days. It maybe made it to 40 yesterday and the house a "balmy" 60. Normally that wouldn't bother me, it's kept cooler upstairs because I spend my time downstairs with the fireplace on. Changed registers, no fireplace or upstairs gets hot. Anywho, after all that ballyhoo, it's a great sleeping temp because I love sleeping under multiple quilts. The house was 59. Fine with a fireplace, not great while shivering under a quilt babbling nonsense. I always laughed that when my dad got older his topics of conversation were weather & his BMs and no not M&Ms. Apparently 10 in the morning was the magic hour. At the time we were a 90 minute drive away so if we wanted him for dinner it had to scheduled accordingly so my sis could bring him down. I shant bore you with my schedule since I don't have one, I fly by the seat of my pants when the spirit moves me. I'm trying to channel my avatar, maybe I need to have the beverage to pull that off. That reminds me @AK_Tracy Key Lime Martinis & Italian Margaritas also improve one's outlook.


Well-Known Member
That reminds me @AK_Tracy Key Lime Martinis & Italian Margaritas also improve one's outlook.
Oooooohhhhhhhhhh Key Lime martini sounds yummy!!!! Never heard of Italian margaritas. Tell me more!!! Just finishing my coffee and its early in the day but one can plan and dream :yesss:


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon, my Oozie family!
We're on our way home from Amish country in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania! The highlight of the trip was the Daniel production at the Sight and Sound theater in Strasburg. The sweetest part of the trip was our visit to Hershey, PA! :lovey3: It was pretty chilly all week. We had rain one day and cloudy more days than not! But it was a good week. And I'm ready for my own bed and my regular routine! And hubby informed me that it has been too quiet at night, lolol, with no one to wake up and tell to roll over! :floorlaugh:

Man, oh man! It's so exciting to see all of the new people and designers joining since Scrap Girls is gone! But we welcome them all!

I'm getting antsy to hit the shop and scrapbook! This Tuesday is my holistic doctor appointment that I'm anxious to go to! I'm ready to get the show on the road and back to better health! I got my holistic book, @Cherylndesigns , from Nicole Apelian. It's jam-packed with information! I can't wait to read and learn!

Well, I'm going to close this out with a picture of my partner in crime, Ilene, and myself as we are traveling back today. I won't be making many personal comments but I want to go back and read to catch up and familiarize myself with the newbies.

Bye-bye for now! :bye2:

Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning.

It's only 56 right now. :brrr: Darn this bipolar weather anyway. High is 68 so get a move on. I was so cold yesterday and I didn't get warm until I got home and put my hoodie and warm flannels on. I got chilled in the wind, then we had smoothies which even made me colder.

Yes, Chris @faerywings Roger was :whip3::waiting: Adrienne at 10:45: Mom, are you going to be ready by 11:00? Me: Yes, I'm ready right now -just waiting on you two. (You know we normally fly by the seat of our pants. :floorlaugh: ) We got off the beaten path yesterday (after we dropped Roger off) and found some really cool stores, before heading to the strip malls. One of the stores had a whole wall of infused oils - any kind of flavors you could think of. They had little paper cups and individually wrapped bread so we could taste any of them. Adrienne bought some infused Truffle oil - she's cooking dinner tonight, so I'll probably get to really taste it on her salad.

I'm not sure where we're planting Chuck's tree. We're thinking out in the yard, across the driveway, but where we'll be able to see it from his bedroom window. It's a Magnolia tree, so it might get too big to put in the front garden. Chuck planted a little tiny tree 3 years ago and it's in the front garden and getting pretty big. It's a dwarf tree, so it's about as big as it will get. That was what the zebra grass was encroaching on.

I never got back on here yesterday, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Poor guy. It's always something, that's for sure. Have fun with your mom - at least she behaves with you.

Waving to everybody and wishing you a happy Sunday.


I am late getting in here to chat this morning. Got side-tracked uploading (CRK's) "My Boy" LO and then catching up on FB... and so on. Decided to have a PJ day again today. It was 41*F when I got up at 8AM... yeah- I slept in! It is only in the mid-50's now so the warm fuzzy PJs sure does feel good. @JeanneMN - I can feel for you with no heat and MN dropping back into winter temps again!! I know we will probably have at least 1-2 more spells of cool-cold temps so won't switch over to the AC until mid-May. Mine is easy - just change the setting on the thermostat. I do need to see if I have a new filter, though.

Got a message from niece Dee... turns out their Big Rig truck was not totaled in the accident - but the 5th wheeler attachment has to be replaced. So they are off to Kansas to get that done. They have found another RV - just waiting to get the insurance stuff settled before they get it. And they have bought her a car.

Since the pollen count is so high, I am keeping the house closed up ... and also due to the winds and temps. So far I have managed to not take any meds for the allergies. Yes, DD#1 is using eye meds for her allergies (her hubby is an Optometrist and has ordered her meds to help).

@vickyday - great photo of you and Irene. Glad you had a fun trip!

@Cherylndesigns You are smart to find a spot for Chuck's that is far enough from the house so it has space to grow. I know it will be beautiful and full in a few years and give lots of shade. What a fabulous gift that will bring you joy and comfort. Yes, we are all waiting to see the bench and totem in place .... once the night time temps get warm enough for the glue to be used.

Time to get something to eat... ended up skipping breakfast and the tummy is empty! HAGD


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! I've missed you all so much! I'd like to tell you that things are settling down...but they really aren't. But most of that is my own fault.

@faerywings I would love to hear one of Scott's campfire talks. It makes me feel so happy the way he has found his happy place in life. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad...but I'm sure glad that he is going to be able to get the shoulder done. That would have been hard on him emotionally if he couldn't do it. Glad that your job is turning out to be everything that you hoped for...it sounds like a perfect fit for you. Hope you have a great weekend with your mom.

Love that Scott and Sam are enjoying the birds in their backyard. What a fun hobby that is as both @bcgal00 and @scrap-genie know better than me. But our backyard is pretty much a revolving door for birds...we have a pair of red bellied woodpeckers who think they own the yard and a pair (plus some others) of cardinals who also think they own the yard. Merlin has heard the following birds out back this morning: Red-shouldered hawk, robin, blue jay, osprey, red-winged blackbird, cardinal, northern parula, cedar waxwing, red-bellied woodpecker, crow, palm warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, fish crow, gray catbird, yellow-rumped warbler, eastern bluebird and carolina wren. When we moved in here (it will be a year ago in May) we put up a 6 foot privacy fence for the dogs and then added a hedge of viburnum. It was an excellent idea because the birds love it back there.

We have air conditioning going here...hit 92 yesterday. Quite a difference from most of you ladies right now. Iowa had a freeze warning last night. And, speaking of Iowa, we are buying a house there in Norwalk. It's a small house...but it is a ranch with a basement. It's 2 years old and barely looks lived in. We have only seen it through Facetime videos with the realtor (who is a really good friend). Spent more than I wanted for a second house but it has me feeling so relaxed and centered.

Sydney is finishing up exams and projects and papers right now. Shaun has school going a couple of weeks longer than she does and that has him grumpy. He is still working fulltime at Walmart and is hoping to get a team leader position in the next couple of months. Sydney and I will fly to Seattle on Friday, May 3 and then leave on our cruise to Alaska two weeks from today. We will return to Florida on Monday, May 13 and I will be back to work. Syd is going to stay for a few weeks because Brian and I will drive to Iowa so that we can leave a car in the garage there. We get to go to the twins (my great-nephews) first birthday party and will spend about 3 weeks there. We get to decorate graves and see friends and try to get settled a bit. Then we will fly back here on June 7. In the meantime, the dogs will be here under the care of Syd and Shaun.

Poor Hayden had something attack her tail. We don't what or how...vet thought maybe a cat or a snake. The thing is, we were right on the screened lanai and we didn't hear a thing. It was dark so we can't see the entire yard. Andie was out but she came in and Hayden kept wandering. Anyway, it was so bad...the vet had to remove half of it...tried to save it but it died. So that has been our big adventure...trying to keep her from her tail. She has a big donut and cone. And still we need to yell at her...constantly. Which sounds bad but really isn't because then she crawls up beside us for cuddles.

Anyway, good afternoon to the new ladies. I'm feeling like I might be getting some mojo back and maybe I can get in here and keep caught up on what is going on.

(For perspective with the new ladies, it really is like Hotel California...I've been coming in here, off and on, for 15+ years. :grouphugyay: )


Well-Known Member
@DesignsByCRK OH.EM.GEEEEEE! Is that a beaver holding a glass of rose????
Nope, not a beaver- what I thought was a tail is a tree or log. The face is too pointy too. (yes I did have to click on the avatar to see it bigger) Whatever that little guy is, can I pet him??? He has to be an Aussie friend. I love him.

Carolyn- turkish bread sounds yummy! All bread is good unless it's ruined by raisins. You should see what I do with Irish Soda bread. LOL!


She (she's a she today, the other day she was a he - depends on what mood I'm in lol) is a Quokka, my favourite animal. And yes she is holding a glass of rose :p Quokkas are native to a little island off the coast of Perth, Western Australia called Rottnest Island. One day I plan on going to see them - I am obsessed.

Turkish bread IS yummy, but I do love a good raisin bread too - bread and cheese are my weaknesses when it comes to food. Oooh I want to try your Irish Soda Bread :eek: Hang on, are you referring to your ability to cook it, or your ability to eat it lol.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Afternoon, my Oozie family!
We're on our way home from Amish country in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania! The highlight of the trip was the Daniel production at the Sight and Sound theater in Strasburg. The sweetest part of the trip was our visit to Hershey, PA! :lovey3: It was pretty chilly all week. We had rain one day and cloudy more days than not! But it was a good week. And I'm ready for my own bed and my regular routine! And hubby informed me that it has been too quiet at night, lolol, with no one to wake up and tell to roll over! :floorlaugh:

Man, oh man! It's so exciting to see all of the new people and designers joining since Scrap Girls is gone! But we welcome them all!

I'm getting antsy to hit the shop and scrapbook! This Tuesday is my holistic doctor appointment that I'm anxious to go to! I'm ready to get the show on the road and back to better health! I got my holistic book, @Cherylndesigns , from Nicole Apelian. It's jam-packed with information! I can't wait to read and learn!

Well, I'm going to close this out with a picture of my partner in crime, Ilene, and myself as we are traveling back today. I won't be making many personal comments but I want to go back and read to catch up and familiarize myself with the newbies.

Bye-bye for now! :bye2:

View attachment 417282

I am late getting in here to chat this morning. Got side-tracked uploading (CRK's) "My Boy" LO and then catching up on FB... and so on. Decided to have a PJ day again today. It was 41*F when I got up at 8AM... yeah- I slept in! It is only in the mid-50's now so the warm fuzzy PJs sure does feel good. @JeanneMN - I can feel for you with no heat and MN dropping back into winter temps again!! I know we will probably have at least 1-2 more spells of cool-cold temps so won't switch over to the AC until mid-May. Mine is easy - just change the setting on the thermostat. I do need to see if I have a new filter, though.

Got a message from niece Dee... turns out their Big Rig truck was not totaled in the accident - but the 5th wheeler attachment has to be replaced. So they are off to Kansas to get that done. They have found another RV - just waiting to get the insurance stuff settled before they get it. And they have bought her a car.

Since the pollen count is so high, I am keeping the house closed up ... and also due to the winds and temps. So far I have managed to not take any meds for the allergies. Yes, DD#1 is using eye meds for her allergies (her hubby is an Optometrist and has ordered her meds to help).

@vickyday - great photo of you and Irene. Glad you had a fun trip!

@Cherylndesigns You are smart to find a spot for Chuck's that is far enough from the house so it has space to grow. I know it will be beautiful and full in a few years and give lots of shade. What a fabulous gift that will bring you joy and comfort. Yes, we are all waiting to see the bench and totem in place .... once the night time temps get warm enough for the glue to be used.

Time to get something to eat... ended up skipping breakfast and the tummy is empty! HAGD
I'm so happy to hear that the truck wasn't totaled. They could have been hurt badly, too. It was a miracle all around! Yes, our temps dropped again and I just turned the furnace on to take the chill off. It gets in my bones when it gets this cold after how warm it has been. Yes, we have to keep in mind how big the tree will get to determine where we plant it. I do want it where i can see it, though. It's not a dwarf tree like the small one Chuck planted in the front garden.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning ladies! I've missed you all so much! I'd like to tell you that things are settling down...but they really aren't. But most of that is my own fault.

@faerywings I would love to hear one of Scott's campfire talks. It makes me feel so happy the way he has found his happy place in life. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad...but I'm sure glad that he is going to be able to get the shoulder done. That would have been hard on him emotionally if he couldn't do it. Glad that your job is turning out to be everything that you hoped for...it sounds like a perfect fit for you. Hope you have a great weekend with your mom.

Love that Scott and Sam are enjoying the birds in their backyard. What a fun hobby that is as both @bcgal00 and @scrap-genie know better than me. But our backyard is pretty much a revolving door for birds...we have a pair of red bellied woodpeckers who think they own the yard and a pair (plus some others) of cardinals who also think they own the yard. Merlin has heard the following birds out back this morning: Red-shouldered hawk, robin, blue jay, osprey, red-winged blackbird, cardinal, northern parula, cedar waxwing, red-bellied woodpecker, crow, palm warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, fish crow, gray catbird, yellow-rumped warbler, eastern bluebird and carolina wren. When we moved in here (it will be a year ago in May) we put up a 6 foot privacy fence for the dogs and then added a hedge of viburnum. It was an excellent idea because the birds love it back there.

We have air conditioning going here...hit 92 yesterday. Quite a difference from most of you ladies right now. Iowa had a freeze warning last night. And, speaking of Iowa, we are buying a house there in Norwalk. It's a small house...but it is a ranch with a basement. It's 2 years old and barely looks lived in. We have only seen it through Facetime videos with the realtor (who is a really good friend). Spent more than I wanted for a second house but it has me feeling so relaxed and centered.

Sydney is finishing up exams and projects and papers right now. Shaun has school going a couple of weeks longer than she does and that has him grumpy. He is still working fulltime at Walmart and is hoping to get a team leader position in the next couple of months. Sydney and I will fly to Seattle on Friday, May 3 and then leave on our cruise to Alaska two weeks from today. We will return to Florida on Monday, May 13 and I will be back to work. Syd is going to stay for a few weeks because Brian and I will drive to Iowa so that we can leave a car in the garage there. We get to go to the twins (my great-nephews) first birthday party and will spend about 3 weeks there. We get to decorate graves and see friends and try to get settled a bit. Then we will fly back here on June 7. In the meantime, the dogs will be here under the care of Syd and Shaun.

Poor Hayden had something attack her tail. We don't what or how...vet thought maybe a cat or a snake. The thing is, we were right on the screened lanai and we didn't hear a thing. It was dark so we can't see the entire yard. Andie was out but she came in and Hayden kept wandering. Anyway, it was so bad...the vet had to remove half of it...tried to save it but it died. So that has been our big adventure...trying to keep her from her tail. She has a big donut and cone. And still we need to yell at her...constantly. Which sounds bad but really isn't because then she crawls up beside us for cuddles.

Anyway, good afternoon to the new ladies. I'm feeling like I might be getting some mojo back and maybe I can get in here and keep caught up on what is going on.

(For perspective with the new ladies, it really is like Hotel California...I've been coming in here, off and on, for 15+ years. :grouphugyay: )
It's so good to see you in here, Linda - we have missed you! Thanks for the update on your family and I'm sure you're all as busy as usual. Hugs


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Afternoon, my Oozie family!
We're on our way home from Amish country in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania! The highlight of the trip was the Daniel production at the Sight and Sound theater in Strasburg. The sweetest part of the trip was our visit to Hershey, PA! :lovey3: It was pretty chilly all week. We had rain one day and cloudy more days than not! But it was a good week. And I'm ready for my own bed and my regular routine! And hubby informed me that it has been too quiet at night, lolol, with no one to wake up and tell to roll over! :floorlaugh:

Man, oh man! It's so exciting to see all of the new people and designers joining since Scrap Girls is gone! But we welcome them all!

I'm getting antsy to hit the shop and scrapbook! This Tuesday is my holistic doctor appointment that I'm anxious to go to! I'm ready to get the show on the road and back to better health! I got my holistic book, @Cherylndesigns , from Nicole Apelian. It's jam-packed with information! I can't wait to read and learn!

Well, I'm going to close this out with a picture of my partner in crime, Ilene, and myself as we are traveling back today. I won't be making many personal comments but I want to go back and read to catch up and familiarize myself with the newbies.

Bye-bye for now! :bye2:

View attachment 417282
Vicky, great picture of you and Ilene! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I'm so happy that you got your book. I'm anxious to see if it's as helpful as I think it will be. Hugs


Love my O Family!
Oh burrrr! Another chilly one today & just had a freeze warning come through on my phone. We went to my hub's sister's mil Celebration of Life this morning. No ceremony, just people gathering to remember & tell stories. They had her photo albums of trips & family out on tables & she not only took pictures, but all of them had written notes on them. I'm a picture taker to the max, but I'm terrible at writing down what they are, I always think I'm going to remember. Hah. Fat chance, I walk downstairs and can't remember why when I get there, it's not like 8 flights of stairs.Then there are my "safe places". I put buttons for a sweater in a safe place 15 years ago, I don't remember where, but they are safe with the purple wool because it's in the same safe place. The sweater never got finished because you know they don't sell buttons anymore. Sheesh, I'm the queen of UFOs in every craft imaginable.
Those buttons and unfinished projects in every craft imaginable is soooo me! Welcome to the family! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good morning.

It's only 56 right now. :brrr: Darn this bipolar weather anyway. High is 68 so get a move on. I was so cold yesterday and I didn't get warm until I got home and put my hoodie and warm flannels on. I got chilled in the wind, then we had smoothies which even made me colder.

Yes, Chris @faerywings Roger was :whip3::waiting: Adrienne at 10:45: Mom, are you going to be ready by 11:00? Me: Yes, I'm ready right now -just waiting on you two. (You know we normally fly by the seat of our pants. :floorlaugh: ) We got off the beaten path yesterday (after we dropped Roger off) and found some really cool stores, before heading to the strip malls. One of the stores had a whole wall of infused oils - any kind of flavors you could think of. They had little paper cups and individually wrapped bread so we could taste any of them. Adrienne bought some infused Truffle oil - she's cooking dinner tonight, so I'll probably get to really taste it on her salad.

I'm not sure where we're planting Chuck's tree. We're thinking out in the yard, across the driveway, but where we'll be able to see it from his bedroom window. It's a Magnolia tree, so it might get too big to put in the front garden. Chuck planted a little tiny tree 3 years ago and it's in the front garden and getting pretty big. It's a dwarf tree, so it's about as big as it will get. That was what the zebra grass was encroaching on.

I never got back on here yesterday, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Poor guy. It's always something, that's for sure. Have fun with your mom - at least she behaves with you.

Waving to everybody and wishing you a happy Sunday.
One of the shops we went to last week in PA was called Seasons. They have all kinds of infused oils and balsamic vinegars! And they were tastable, too! They did not provide any bread, however!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies! I've missed you all so much! I'd like to tell you that things are settling down...but they really aren't. But most of that is my own fault.

@faerywings I would love to hear one of Scott's campfire talks. It makes me feel so happy the way he has found his happy place in life. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad...but I'm sure glad that he is going to be able to get the shoulder done. That would have been hard on him emotionally if he couldn't do it. Glad that your job is turning out to be everything that you hoped for...it sounds like a perfect fit for you. Hope you have a great weekend with your mom.

Love that Scott and Sam are enjoying the birds in their backyard. What a fun hobby that is as both @bcgal00 and @scrap-genie know better than me. But our backyard is pretty much a revolving door for birds...we have a pair of red bellied woodpeckers who think they own the yard and a pair (plus some others) of cardinals who also think they own the yard. Merlin has heard the following birds out back this morning: Red-shouldered hawk, robin, blue jay, osprey, red-winged blackbird, cardinal, northern parula, cedar waxwing, red-bellied woodpecker, crow, palm warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, fish crow, gray catbird, yellow-rumped warbler, eastern bluebird and carolina wren. When we moved in here (it will be a year ago in May) we put up a 6 foot privacy fence for the dogs and then added a hedge of viburnum. It was an excellent idea because the birds love it back there.

We have air conditioning going here...hit 92 yesterday. Quite a difference from most of you ladies right now. Iowa had a freeze warning last night. And, speaking of Iowa, we are buying a house there in Norwalk. It's a small house...but it is a ranch with a basement. It's 2 years old and barely looks lived in. We have only seen it through Facetime videos with the realtor (who is a really good friend). Spent more than I wanted for a second house but it has me feeling so relaxed and centered.

Sydney is finishing up exams and projects and papers right now. Shaun has school going a couple of weeks longer than she does and that has him grumpy. He is still working fulltime at Walmart and is hoping to get a team leader position in the next couple of months. Sydney and I will fly to Seattle on Friday, May 3 and then leave on our cruise to Alaska two weeks from today. We will return to Florida on Monday, May 13 and I will be back to work. Syd is going to stay for a few weeks because Brian and I will drive to Iowa so that we can leave a car in the garage there. We get to go to the twins (my great-nephews) first birthday party and will spend about 3 weeks there. We get to decorate graves and see friends and try to get settled a bit. Then we will fly back here on June 7. In the meantime, the dogs will be here under the care of Syd and Shaun.

Poor Hayden had something attack her tail. We don't what or how...vet thought maybe a cat or a snake. The thing is, we were right on the screened lanai and we didn't hear a thing. It was dark so we can't see the entire yard. Andie was out but she came in and Hayden kept wandering. Anyway, it was so bad...the vet had to remove half of it...tried to save it but it died. So that has been our big adventure...trying to keep her from her tail. She has a big donut and cone. And still we need to yell at her...constantly. Which sounds bad but really isn't because then she crawls up beside us for cuddles.

Anyway, good afternoon to the new ladies. I'm feeling like I might be getting some mojo back and maybe I can get in here and keep caught up on what is going on.

(For perspective with the new ladies, it really is like Hotel California...I've been coming in here, off and on, for 15+ years. :grouphugyay: )
CONGRATS on the Iowa house! Sounds like you are really going to be busy the next couple of months again! So glad to see you back in here! You certainly have a forest-full of birds! I just downloaded the Merlin app but haven't used it yet since I was gone all last week.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
One of the shops we went to last week in PA was called Seasons. They have all kinds of infused oils and balsamic vinegars! And they were tastable, too! They did not provide any bread, however!
Oh, the bread made it so much easier to taste. I just looked at my pictures to see what the name of the place was - it's The Festive Nest. Seasons just sounded familiar to me.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies! I've missed you all so much! I'd like to tell you that things are settling down...but they really aren't. But most of that is my own fault.

@faerywings I would love to hear one of Scott's campfire talks. It makes me feel so happy the way he has found his happy place in life. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad...but I'm sure glad that he is going to be able to get the shoulder done. That would have been hard on him emotionally if he couldn't do it. Glad that your job is turning out to be everything that you hoped for...it sounds like a perfect fit for you. Hope you have a great weekend with your mom.

Love that Scott and Sam are enjoying the birds in their backyard. What a fun hobby that is as both @bcgal00 and @scrap-genie know better than me. But our backyard is pretty much a revolving door for birds...we have a pair of red bellied woodpeckers who think they own the yard and a pair (plus some others) of cardinals who also think they own the yard. Merlin has heard the following birds out back this morning: Red-shouldered hawk, robin, blue jay, osprey, red-winged blackbird, cardinal, northern parula, cedar waxwing, red-bellied woodpecker, crow, palm warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, fish crow, gray catbird, yellow-rumped warbler, eastern bluebird and carolina wren. When we moved in here (it will be a year ago in May) we put up a 6 foot privacy fence for the dogs and then added a hedge of viburnum. It was an excellent idea because the birds love it back there.

We have air conditioning going here...hit 92 yesterday. Quite a difference from most of you ladies right now. Iowa had a freeze warning last night. And, speaking of Iowa, we are buying a house there in Norwalk. It's a small house...but it is a ranch with a basement. It's 2 years old and barely looks lived in. We have only seen it through Facetime videos with the realtor (who is a really good friend). Spent more than I wanted for a second house but it has me feeling so relaxed and centered.

Sydney is finishing up exams and projects and papers right now. Shaun has school going a couple of weeks longer than she does and that has him grumpy. He is still working fulltime at Walmart and is hoping to get a team leader position in the next couple of months. Sydney and I will fly to Seattle on Friday, May 3 and then leave on our cruise to Alaska two weeks from today. We will return to Florida on Monday, May 13 and I will be back to work. Syd is going to stay for a few weeks because Brian and I will drive to Iowa so that we can leave a car in the garage there. We get to go to the twins (my great-nephews) first birthday party and will spend about 3 weeks there. We get to decorate graves and see friends and try to get settled a bit. Then we will fly back here on June 7. In the meantime, the dogs will be here under the care of Syd and Shaun.

Poor Hayden had something attack her tail. We don't what or how...vet thought maybe a cat or a snake. The thing is, we were right on the screened lanai and we didn't hear a thing. It was dark so we can't see the entire yard. Andie was out but she came in and Hayden kept wandering. Anyway, it was so bad...the vet had to remove half of it...tried to save it but it died. So that has been our big adventure...trying to keep her from her tail. She has a big donut and cone. And still we need to yell at her...constantly. Which sounds bad but really isn't because then she crawls up beside us for cuddles.

Anyway, good afternoon to the new ladies. I'm feeling like I might be getting some mojo back and maybe I can get in here and keep caught up on what is going on.

(For perspective with the new ladies, it really is like Hotel California...I've been coming in here, off and on, for 15+ years. :grouphugyay: )
CONGRATS on the Iowa house! Sounds like you are really going to be busy the next couple of months again! So glad to see you back in here! You certainly have a forest-full of birds! I just downloaded the Merlin app but haven't used it yet since I was gone all last week.
Oh, the bread made it so much easier to taste. I just looked at my pictures to see what the name of the place was - it's The Festive Nest. Seasons just sounded familiar to me.
That's an interesting name for a seasoned oil shop!