
Daily Ooos: Monday, April 15


The Loopy-O
*peeks around*
Do I have to be on my best behavior here with so many new members?
*reads yesterday's posts, lots and lots of sarcasm and dark humor*

Whew!! I can be myself, my wacky, sarcastic, and oddball self. And that *is* my best behavior. :rotfl:

Did everyone have a nice weekend? My day started beautiful and sunny. But as soon as I left for work, it got cold and rainy which was a bummer because most of the training session was outside. Thankfully, the first hour was inside and by the time we made it outside the sun was back out. The kids (and my goodness, they are young LOL) are awesome. They have been putting up with my non-stop questions very patiently. :D
Although it is cool when we all learn something together. I found a branch with a bright yellow fungus growing on it so I picked it up and asked what it was. As I am touching it to see how the "clumps" are in sections, one of the team says it is a slime-mold fungus. Another says- It's dog vomit. ( I almost dropped the stick in horror) The next thing I know, everyone is surrounding the stick, passing it around, and looking at it closely. BTW- dog vomit is a colloquial name for that species of fungus LOL!

My "big" plans for today are to head into the attic to find some stuff to throw out and organize some of the boxes that have to stay. Tom moved so much stuff yesterday and Caitlyn is freaking out that their living room (Scott's old bedroom) is all cluttered up. She is like me and does not handle stuff all over the place. I am more resigned to it, it's been a losing battle for 30+ years of marriage. She is still full of optimism and dreams ;)

What fun stuff do you have planned for today?


The Loopy-O
@Cherylndesigns How was brunch? Was it just the girls? With mimosas, perhaps?
Isn't that the truth about how we cover just about any and every topic under the sun? Paradise might not need palm trees but I think it would be nice :D As much as I love the outdoors here, I still think I would feel more at home where palm trees grow.
Wow, Kinleigh is 3??? Do you think she'll visit again this summer?

@BrightEyes Sounds like good news all around with your kids. DD#3 must have been happy to be back home. Is your SIL#2 back to work or is he still recuperating? Great news about Jim and Alyn too :)

@wombat146 looking good with the noodles!

@AK_Tracy So glad you can relate to Rule #5. Sometimes I reread what I post and ask myself if I am even typing in English. bwuahahah!
Oh yes, you are gonna fit right in!
I 100% understand about "your dog." My baby has been gone for 10 years (maybe more but close to 10) and she was my soul mate. Sure hubby is also my soul mate but she was my world. Got me through some really, really difficult times even if she ate three of my sofas while doing so. the best dog in the world. ♥

@Cherylndesigns and I often talk about socially inappropriate gallows humor and how much it helps.

Hmmmph! Don't get me started on TV shows and stereotypes. No one in New Jersey ever says "Joisey." On the other hand, NJ does have Taylor Ham vs Pork Roll Wars (it is Taylor Ham) and there is a serious debate about whether Central Jersey exists. (It does)
But please don't think that we are anything like Snooki and/or The Sopranos. :lol23:

Kay! That "snap" scared me too. 1985! that was a good run for the knife.
I've said it a million times, they don't make stuff like they used to :/

@JeanneMN So sorry for the loss of special people in your life. I'm glad that scrapping about them will keep the memories precious to you and that you can share them with us (as you are comfortable in doing so)
I am the same way with exercising- I try to do yoga 3-4 times a week but if I don't do it in the morning it won't get done. More power to you for getting up and going to the gym though, that's amazing

@bcgal00 I am so happy for you, you are really finding your people in your new home :) Are you bringing Taz to your friends today or just Remi? Please take pictures of my boy, I miss his sweet face.
Good luck with the mahjong lessons, have fun!


Well-Known Member
LMAO @ best behaviour - i sure hope not! It's 10pm Monday night here and I'm feeling a bit blah after having a tooth extracted today, so I'm about to call it a night.

The attic adventures sound like fun though, my kind of fun anyway - if there is old stuff to be found, I want in lol. Especially if there is a glass or two of wine to be drunk while having said fun :D


Another quick in and out this morning... have a doctor's appointment @ 9AM. Waiting for the house to warm up before my shower. Back to a much cooler day - mid-50's compared to 80*F yesterday - along with high winds.
@BrightEyes Sounds like good news all around with your kids. DD#3 must have been happy to be back home. Is your SIL#2 back to work or is he still recuperating? Great news about Jim and Alyn too :)

Kay! That "snap" scared me too. 1985! that was a good run for the knife.
I've said it a million times, they don't make stuff like they used to :/
No, Sil#2 is not able to go back to work. The 2 strokes - though mild - plus his leg problems means he is not able to work. DD#2 works from home so she is with him. Looking forward to talking to DD#3 this week and getting caught up on the news from her trip. Yes, the electric knife lasted a long time... so I wasn't surprised when it quit working. I only used it to cut up turkeys and hams.
Time for my shower... BBL


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Boy, oh Boy! I had lots of catching up reading to do this morning as I didn't get in here yesterday. So good to see some new faces! Welcome!

We went to church in the morning. After church we were expecting to hear from Mark's daughter, so we ate sandwiches for lunch because we were going out to eat with her. She ended up not contacting us until around 3:30. So we got ready and met her for supper at the Mexican restaurant down the street. I still wasn't very hungry so I ordered their Santa Fe egg/spring rolls.....not sure which or what the difference even is! They were good. Filled with chicken and drizzled with chipotle ranch and guacamole ranch on some shredded lettuce with black beans sprinkled. It was good, but I could only eat one. Mark and his daughter finished the other one.

I will be working on doing laundry and packing for our trip to PA tomorrow. Tonight I will spend the night with my BFF, Ilene. Her daughter will pick us up tomorrow morning and we will be on our way! So not sure how much I will be able to "talk" to you all this week!

As a bit of introduction about myself to the newbies.......
I've been around the digiscrapping world since about 2005. I've even done a bit of designing but really wasn't that good at it. I'd rather be on a CT. I was a pastor's wife before my sweet man passed away from melanoma in 2017. (We were married 41 years and were HS sweethearts, so together a total of 46 years.) We have 4 grown kids, ages 44, 42, 40, 38.....girl, boy, girl, boy. We have 9 grandchildren and no greats yet.
A year after my husband passed I married one of the members who was a widower in our church. When we married everything doubled.....he has 4 grown kids, ages 40, 38 (a set of twins were step children)....boy, girl/boy twins, girl..... and 9 grandchildren and no greats yet. Not sure why the Lord saw fit to bless me with two sweet men, 8 sweet kids and 18 sweet grandkids (8 girls and 8 boys), but I am so thankful He did! Yes, we are very blessed!

If you don't hear from me this week, just know that I am having a great time on our girls' trip! And hope you all have a wonderful week!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I'm an innie-outie today, I know I said I had things to do but I am weak. Got up at 4:15. went to the gym and stopped for groceries on the way back home, having my first relaxing cup of coffee so I figured I deserved some time to pester you

So, uff dah is an all-purpose word when you need it,. . . good grief, oh my, whew, or a cuss word when you know you can't cuss. Then there's lutefisk and that needs its own cuss word. The part of Minnesota I grew up in was Irish, German (they didn't get along So there were 2 Catholic churches in a town of 2500, an Irish & anyone else)), Czechs, Polish who didn't get along with each other. My grandparents lived in an even smaller town and they had a Czech Catholic & Polish Catholic. Uff dah the competition, even as a kid it made no sense to me. My mother & aunties & grandma would speak Czech when they didn't want us to know what they were talking about -someone was probably in "a family way-". All I knew was my cousins would get married & 3 months later would be in a family way.

All right, enough of my inane babbling, I need to get busy in a household way. Have a lovely day ladies.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning! Only on my second cup of coffee and I feel so accomplished not to have yelled at anyone (yet) but then they're all still sleeping, well the kids are anyway. My youngest is a teen so not toddlers thankfully. I can see how this thread would take a lot of time and attention as its so much fun and the humor! I see a couple humor BFFs :bowdown2:


I am back home...boy, the winds are whipping around now. Glad to be back inside.

Don't know why but when I checked in here just now - my post from this morning (that was already posted and showing in the thread) was sitting down here in a Preview. This is the second day in a row that a post that was already posted was repeated in a Preview. Was this site running slow to others this morning??? The other sites (FB and Just Art) were loading at normal speed and OS was much slower.

The PC doc was pleased with my BP readings. Told her about the missing Rx at the base so she gave me a paper Rx that I can take to the base so I know they will have it. Hopefully it won't take too many days for them to fill it. The problem with TriCare has not been fixed yet. <<sigh>> So two trips to the base (1 to turn it in and then another when it is ready). Decided to wait until Thursday or Friday to take it to the base. Have too much else going this week.

I need to move a few more things in the garage before the Xfinity install on Wednesday... and remember to move my car onto the driveway so it is out of their way. Have a few things around the desk in the office that I also need to move. And set up the wireless laptops in the kitchen to make sure they can connect to the new modem. I will let the installers do all of them so I don't have to worry about how to do it. And wouldn't you know... the pest control guy will be here on Wed afternoon, too. His is all done outside so shouldn't be a problem for either the installers or the pest guy.

Didn't have breakfast... so better fix some lunch. HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,

Chris @faerywings remember what I said about Roger not going, so we could be flexible? He wanted to go with all of us women at the last minute. So, it was a "militant 11:30"! He started calling us to see where we were and when we would be there (at Nancy's). We hadn't planned to go to Nancy's, we were going to go to a place called Jimmy's Egg. So, we did a fast reversal and went to our regular Nancy's. :floorlaugh: No Memosas there. :( I guess he just didn't want to miss out on all the fun. It used to be him and Chuck and all the women and now it's just Roger.

Can you even believe Kinleigh is 3??? It blows MY mind that she's 3. Her mom took her to a "dance party" the other night and sent us videos. That child has the moves. Yes, she's coming out this summer, we're not sure when, but it will happen. She had so much fun out here last summer. I know, I honestly miss the palm trees, but I have lots of pictures of them and have the Sanibel Lighthouse canvas that I made hanging on my wall, and some other Florida pictures. My screensaver on my phone is a beautiful palm tree picture, even. Remember, Chuck surprised me with the lighted palm tree when I got home from Florida last December? So, I do have one. Adrienne is looking at some for around their pool, too. They have them with solar powdered lights on them now. My lights have to be plugged in.

Vicky @vickyday enjoy your time with Ilene and have FUN!! The Mexican meal sounds good - I just get the cheese quesadillas when we go - the guys there always know what I want. When I want to splurge, I get chicken on it. They have this yummy white sauce there that I never can think of the name of, but it's blank and has no spicy taste to it. I dip the chips in that. We go there so often that they know what we all want.

Shaulline @shamilton@soobvious.org good to see you in here. My grandson has been to Dubai several times with his dad and loves it there!

Carolyn @DesignsByCRK great to see you! A fellow wine lover and you'll definitely fit in here with your whacky sense of humor. I'm so glad you're back!

Well, my fingers are getting tired. Big :grouphugyay:'s to everybody and Kay @BrightEyeshope your appointment went well.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I am back home...boy, the winds are whipping around now. Glad to be back inside.

Don't know why but when I checked in here just now - my post from this morning (that was already posted and showing in the thread) was sitting down here in a Preview. This is the second day in a row that a post that was already posted was repeated in a Preview. Was this site running slow to others this morning??? The other sites (FB and Just Art) were loading at normal speed and OS was much slower.

The PC doc was pleased with my BP readings. Told her about the missing Rx at the base so she gave me a paper Rx that I can take to the base so I know they will have it. Hopefully it won't take too many days for them to fill it. The problem with TriCare has not been fixed yet. <<sigh>> So two trips to the base (1 to turn it in and then another when it is ready). Decided to wait until Thursday or Friday to take it to the base. Have too much else going this week.

I need to move a few more things in the garage before the Xfinity install on Wednesday... and remember to move my car onto the driveway so it is out of their way. Have a few things around the desk in the office that I also need to move. And set up the wireless laptops in the kitchen to make sure they can connect to the new modem. I will let the installers do all of them so I don't have to worry about how to do it. And wouldn't you know... the pest control guy will be here on Wed afternoon, too. His is all done outside so shouldn't be a problem for either the installers or the pest guy.

Didn't have breakfast... so better fix some lunch. HAGD
Kay, the site is definitely running slow. It's not just you. It was a little slow last night, too. Glad your dr visit went well. Good luck with the meds.


Well-Known Member
Oh I am glad its not me. I wondered why it was loading so slow. Up to my eyeballs in curriculum review for next year and plotting the course through high school and thought maybe it was my way tired brain. Yeah, its not. I dont have to fix another pot of coffee. Woo hoo!! The sun is shining! Its 36 degrees and for the first time in months! I wont be hanging my clothes outside while its snowing.