
Recent content by nininano

  1. You are my blue crayon

    You are my blue crayon

    You are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to color my sky. - a.r.asher Credits: StitchedCircleLoopDaLoop_AASPN PaintedCircleSplatz_AASPN PaperArtPlayPaletteAuthentic_AASPN FrameMaskCircle_SueCummings Labels_SueCUmmings SueBasicsFrame_SueCummings...
  2. I am who I am

    I am who I am

    Credits: ArtPlayOceanCove-Solidpaper-AASPN Pait_SueCummings EveryDayMomentsDistressedJournaling-SueCummings Label-Basics-SueCummings ArtAndJournal-NBK LittleVintageFrames-KPertiet Butterflies- ? ************************************ TFL
  3. She dreams

    She dreams

    CreditVintagepaperTextures-vrobinsom ImagineMask-BBK ScripTeaseLife-AASPN MultimediaFlowers-AASPN BasicLabel-SueCummings ArtsyStains9-AASPN ********************************** TFL
  4. Stop wishing

    Stop wishing

    Credits: DrippedStains3-AASPN LabelTransfersClippingMask-AASPN VintagePaperTextures-vrobinson Hashtags-vrobinson BrushStrokes-CinziaL TracyAnnGrids-special2 ArtAndJournalWA-nbk StitchedFrames-TaylorMade PlainJaneStaples-TaylorMade **************************************...
  5. innerCRITIC


    Credits: AnaAspnes: LightTexturedNeutrals FotoBlendzClippingMasks WallArtPrints ArtPlayPaletteGenuineAddOn DrippedStains KPertiet: Splatters ********** TFL **********
  6. Resfeber


    No, I don't speak Swedish... But looking for quotes about traveling, I came across this foreign word which has no English or Spanish equivalent & it described precisely my feelings right now. Resfeber: The restless race of a traveller's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and...
  7. SHE


    Credits: AnaAspnes_ArtPlayPalette_Everyday PageOne_WhitePaintStroke awolff_ShabbyLedger awolff_AprilAlpha JustJaimee_MixMediaStudded JoyfulHeartDesigns_HeartAttack QU_M3august14 ********** TFL **********
  8. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Love...'

    An exquisite page! Love the softness of it.
  9. With enough preparation...

    With enough preparation...

    Credits: AnaAspnes: ArtPlayPaletteAuthentic FotoBlendClippingMask9 WallArtPrints FotoBlendsCM FotoBlendClipMasks7 FotoBlendClippingMasks10 ArtsyBlendzSquashElements WarpingFrames UrbanStitches7 UrbanStitches10 UrbanStitches11 UrbanThreadz5 Kpertiet: SplattersNo2...
  10. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'tasty currants'

    So pretty!
  11. Dreamer


    Credits: AnaAspnes: LightTexturedNeutrals ArtPlayPaletteSkysTheLimit JazzedUpLoopDaLoop ArtPlayPaletteSerenity ArtPlayPaletteOceanCove DrippedStains SueCummings: 52 Inspirations-Week-4 ********** TFL **********
  12. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'AnnaChallenge ~ Stitch It!'

    Superb! So creative!
  13. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'moved'

    Simply beautiful!
  14. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Anna lift - Home is not a place'

    Wonderful use of perspective and colors! Artsy and fanciful!
  15. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Super fun'

    Super fun indeed! And very artsy!