
Search results

  1. You are my blue crayon

    You are my blue crayon

    You are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to color my sky. - a.r.asher Credits: StitchedCircleLoopDaLoop_AASPN PaintedCircleSplatz_AASPN PaperArtPlayPaletteAuthentic_AASPN FrameMaskCircle_SueCummings Labels_SueCUmmings SueBasicsFrame_SueCummings...
  2. I am who I am

    I am who I am

    Credits: ArtPlayOceanCove-Solidpaper-AASPN Pait_SueCummings EveryDayMomentsDistressedJournaling-SueCummings Label-Basics-SueCummings ArtAndJournal-NBK LittleVintageFrames-KPertiet Butterflies- ? ************************************ TFL
  3. She dreams

    She dreams

    CreditVintagepaperTextures-vrobinsom ImagineMask-BBK ScripTeaseLife-AASPN MultimediaFlowers-AASPN BasicLabel-SueCummings ArtsyStains9-AASPN ********************************** TFL
  4. Stop wishing

    Stop wishing

    Credits: DrippedStains3-AASPN LabelTransfersClippingMask-AASPN VintagePaperTextures-vrobinson Hashtags-vrobinson BrushStrokes-CinziaL TracyAnnGrids-special2 ArtAndJournalWA-nbk StitchedFrames-TaylorMade PlainJaneStaples-TaylorMade **************************************...
  5. innerCRITIC


    Credits: AnaAspnes: LightTexturedNeutrals FotoBlendzClippingMasks WallArtPrints ArtPlayPaletteGenuineAddOn DrippedStains KPertiet: Splatters ********** TFL **********
  6. Resfeber


    No, I don't speak Swedish... But looking for quotes about traveling, I came across this foreign word which has no English or Spanish equivalent & it described precisely my feelings right now. Resfeber: The restless race of a traveller's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and...
  7. SHE


    Credits: AnaAspnes_ArtPlayPalette_Everyday PageOne_WhitePaintStroke awolff_ShabbyLedger awolff_AprilAlpha JustJaimee_MixMediaStudded JoyfulHeartDesigns_HeartAttack QU_M3august14 ********** TFL **********
  8. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Love...'

    An exquisite page! Love the softness of it.
  9. With enough preparation...

    With enough preparation...

    Credits: AnaAspnes: ArtPlayPaletteAuthentic FotoBlendClippingMask9 WallArtPrints FotoBlendsCM FotoBlendClipMasks7 FotoBlendClippingMasks10 ArtsyBlendzSquashElements WarpingFrames UrbanStitches7 UrbanStitches10 UrbanStitches11 UrbanThreadz5 Kpertiet: SplattersNo2...
  10. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'tasty currants'

    So pretty!
  11. Dreamer


    Credits: AnaAspnes: LightTexturedNeutrals ArtPlayPaletteSkysTheLimit JazzedUpLoopDaLoop ArtPlayPaletteSerenity ArtPlayPaletteOceanCove DrippedStains SueCummings: 52 Inspirations-Week-4 ********** TFL **********
  12. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'AnnaChallenge ~ Stitch It!'

    Superb! So creative!
  13. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'moved'

    Simply beautiful!
  14. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Anna lift - Home is not a place'

    Wonderful use of perspective and colors! Artsy and fanciful!
  15. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Super fun'

    Super fun indeed! And very artsy!
  16. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Field of Poppies'

    So pretty! Definitely worth framing!
  17. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Just Be You'

    Great colors and blending. Love the placement of the picture too.
  18. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Anna color challenge rise and shine'

    Great page and what a fabulous quote that is! Awesome pic too!
  19. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'AnnaLIFT 6.6.15 - Cassin's Finch'

    What a fantastic gallery! Simply beautiful artsy pages!
  20. nininano

    Comment by 'nininano' in media 'Golden Rain...'

    I agree, it should be framed! Very artsy!