
Recent content by danger girl

  1. danger girl

    ISO: Non-girly hot pink kit

    Thanks so much for the suggestions ladies. I'm still not sure there's much in the way of manly hot pink out there, but you've made me remember some of the kits I had "lost" in my massive scrap stash. I really need to organize better. Sara doesn't Parisian Holiday have the best papers? I...
  2. danger girl

    ISO: Non-girly hot pink kit

    My local junior hockey team dyes their hair hot pink every year to help raise money for cancer awareness. This year they raised over $18,000 WOO HOO! I'm so proud of them! I'm looking for a kit that compliments their hot pink hair but is still appropriately tough for a teenage guy. Thanks in...
  3. danger girl

    Calling All Mamarazzi!!! New from Joanne Brisebois!

    I can't wait to play with these. So cool!
  4. danger girl

    chug-a-chug-a- CHOO CHOO

    Thank you Nice People! You are all so generous! What a fun ride!
  5. danger girl

    Which camera do you have?

    Dawn, I have these two cameras too! I'd still be using the Olympus if it worked. It took great pictures, even if they were only 2.1 megapixels. I still use the Panasonic when I don't want to lug around my DSLR. I love the zoom on that one. I have a Pentax K100D-Super DSLR that I bought about a...
  6. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'Eve_s-Mullet-page'

    This is marvelous!
  7. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'independent_boy'

    Adorable! Love the clothesline frames!
  8. Lake Superior

    Lake Superior

    This picture was taken at Grand Marais, Michigan. The Lake was kind of angry that day, but the sun was shining. Lightroom presets from Matt Kloskowski (free, available at lightroomkillertips.com blog) I forgot to notice the font, but I think it's Bell Gothic
  9. danger girl

    Posting Challenge: July... who is in it?

    I'm at 1,311. I should be able to hit 1500 by the end of the month. That's 189, or 7 posts a day.
  10. danger girl

    Posting Challenge: July... who is in it?

    I didn't make my June total :( I underestimated how much time Clarissa would spend on my computer "just checking one thing" LOL Plus my family came in and stayed for 10 days, which was awesome but hectic. So I have to check where I am now...
  11. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'Rosie Lee'

    Awesome layout! I can't keep my eyes off that mug. Delightful.
  12. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'Pearl Harbor'

    This works so well. It's very powerful. Great job.
  13. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'My country'

    Awesome use of the photo masks! I love how you blended all this together.
  14. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'For the Brave'

    You made the most amazing crop on this photo! I love the way this looks. Fabulous!
  15. danger girl

    Comment by 'danger girl' in media 'Amersfoort 750'

    I love everything about this -the art, the history - everything. Fabulous job!