
Recent content by bcazzell

  1. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Age to be beautiful'

    You've placed the flower just right on her hat! This is so pretty. Congratulations on the Cheery O!
  2. Flying high

    Flying high

    Details coming soon. Scenic Album Template No 13 Uplift Collection
  3. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Spring in the City'

    I find the mask adds some softness to the brighter and larger designs which I really liked.
  4. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Spring in the City'

    Oh my! Our creative hearts had the same idea and you finished yours first. ;) I love the idea of clipping papers to the scenic masks. This is just beautiful! Big congratulations on the GSO! Gorgeous!
  5. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Niagara Falls 1989'

    Thank you Diane! That's so cool your parents went on their honeymoon there. It really is such a special place to spend time. LOL! I was quite excited about riding in the cable car. Our friend's husband went with me (hubby or friend would Not do it either). :giggle4:
  6. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Niagara Falls 1989'

    You are really fortunate to be close enough to see it more often! Thank you Kim!
  7. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'chicken-layout-left-web.jpg'

    Your long chicken story is fascinating reading. One of my sisters lived there, and when the other went to visit, she took pictures of the chickens in the street, even up on the outdoor table! A quick novelty, then too much. Love your scenic pages!
  8. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-scenic-template-album-13'

    Magnificent photo, sunset and layout! Lovely framing around the borders with elements and frame/masks. The sunflower is perfect with the wild sunflowers.
  9. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Stormy Skies'

    Beautiful sky photography! It's one of my favorite things to capture, with its many moods. I love the addition of the rainbow transfer and element, they fit the darker mood.
  10. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Carpe Diem'

    This is a very beautiful portrait! The blending is so smooth and I love the use of b/g paper and textures.
  11. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Niagara Falls 1989'

    Betty Jo, I would love to return to see the sights again. That's wonderful you could visit so often, and see the beauty there. I'm so honored for the Standing O! Thank YOU so much! :heartpumppink:
  12. Niagara Falls 1989

    Niagara Falls 1989

    Niagara Falls 1989, we visited the Falls and I took photos with our film camera almost like these, though mine are not as vibrant and clear as these from Pixabay. I did ride in the lift over the Niagara River whirlpool, but didn't get to go on the Maid of the Mist or ride in the helicopter...
  13. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'little Princess'

    This is precious!
  14. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Art Deco'

    Beautiful Viv!
  15. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Anges ou démons ?'

    They are cute! Love the framing, and design.