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  1. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Pelicans going to the party'

    Oh my, Betty Jo! Thank you SO (: much for this. :blushing1:
  2. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Lush'

    Gorgeous!! Love the bright colors.
  3. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Party of the Decade-AnnaLift Challenge'

    The blended photo is so lovely - seeing the lit candles in it. She's a cutie. Nice use of the elements and WA! Love it.
  4. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'A Dance Around the Sun'

    Oh, the words on this are so good! Very sweet photo of you and "thinking" ahead in life. LOL on the number of days for you. Really enjoyed reading this, and looking at your ART. Love Mr. Sun!
  5. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-scenic-template-album-13-artplay-felicitations-collection-diane8.jpg'

    Those scenes are special, and since I'm in the midwest, I always love seeing how you use them, so keep them coming. :loveyeyes: Love the ocean waves, and how you described the photo as a backdrop to life. Lovely!
  6. Pelicans going to the party

    Pelicans going to the party

    These pelicans lined up for me to photograph, and now they are on their way to the “birthday party of the century”! Happy 50th birthday, Anna Aspnes! Products: Felicitations Collection (new in the Oscraps Store) Process: First, my photo was processed in LR then PS adding layers of...
  7. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Spring.jpg'

    How pretty! Your local architectures are just so beautiful, and so is your layout, Anke!
  8. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Kiss A Frog'

    He's a "cool dude" and so fun! I like his crown, and the waterlilies are pretty.
  9. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Coffee Time'

    This is amazing! The background is just gorgeous with the extraction, and elements.
  10. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Anna Lift challenge 3-28.jpg'

    Love the framing of her, the colors and the balloon element!
  11. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-scenic-template-album-13 AnnaLift'

    Awesome pages with all the creative ways you used the elements, and extractions! Love the kite and the color palette strips. Cher is a cute one! Oz really looks like he's watching the sky for the kite.
  12. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'avec mon alter ego'

    Your layout is fun and shows her enjoying the festive time!
  13. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Flying high'

    Thank you very much! I do too.
  14. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Age to be beautiful'

    You've placed the flower just right on her hat! This is so pretty. Congratulations on the Cheery O!
  15. Flying high

    Flying high

    PRODUCTS: (Now on sale) Scenic Album Template No 13 (17 flipped) new release Uplift Collection (on special sale) APP Uplift AK Uplift ALT WordART Mix No ` Other product: Brumal Fotoblendz No 1 Process: SLTA13_17 was opened onto a new document and flipped...
  16. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Spring in the City'

    I find the mask adds some softness to the brighter and larger designs which I really liked.
  17. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Spring in the City'

    Oh my! Our creative hearts had the same idea and you finished yours first. ;) I love the idea of clipping papers to the scenic masks. This is just beautiful! Big congratulations on the GSO! Gorgeous!
  18. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Niagara Falls 1989'

    Thank you Diane! That's so cool your parents went on their honeymoon there. It really is such a special place to spend time. LOL! I was quite excited about riding in the cable car. Our friend's husband went with me (hubby or friend would Not do it either). :giggle4:
  19. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'Niagara Falls 1989'

    You are really fortunate to be close enough to see it more often! Thank you Kim!
  20. bcazzell

    Comment by 'bcazzell' in media 'chicken-layout-left-web.jpg'

    Your long chicken story is fascinating reading. One of my sisters lived there, and when the other went to visit, she took pictures of the chickens in the street, even up on the outdoor table! A quick novelty, then too much. Love your scenic pages!