
Your Journey Starts...

Your Journey Starts...

  • NewAdmin
ok... these skate park pictures are TOUGH!!!!!!!!! #1... because the parents aren't allowed down in "the pit"... they have to sit waaaaayyyy up in bleachers behind a chain link fence, so all of these pictures were taken from realllllllllllly far away (MAN, gotta get that lens!!!!) and in really bad lighting. Anyway... #2... because i just don't feel right leaving them all clean and graphic... i just feel like they need some grunge and "cool" stuff, kwim??? well for this layout, vicki's paper gave this picture a FABULOUS brightness and texture. i actually started out being inspired by this week's 52 Inspiration "JOURNEY" word art, but the picture was too busy, so i ended up using one of last year's 52 Inspirations papers... week 31, i think. anyway, i'm rambling... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shot of gage... Will said he sat there like this for the longest just grinning... like he was getting his nerve up or something. i LOVE how his skateboard is just sort of sitting by his side. hehehe. so sweet. (and "cool", of course.) ha!

VICKI STEGALL: 52 Inspirations - week 31 (2007) paper
PAISLEE PRESS; Modernity black grid paper (darkened a tad)
(both available at oscraps)
TAYLORMADE DESIGNS: Brace Yourself word art frame (coming soon to oscraps)
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Super cool!! Can you believe with four boys, I've never been to one of these places? Love it!!
are there any layouts you do Amanda that are just "so-so"? They all kick butt - love this one too!

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Vicki Stegall Designs
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