
Your Birth Story

Your Birth Story

Journalling reads:
It was Good Friday, 2 April 2010, 3 weeks and 5 days earlier then your estimated due date. Eventhough you arrived early, you certainly took your time for your grand entrance... It all started the night before when there was some blood discharge. Infact... Mommy has been experiencing some rather strong contractions for over a week before that which resulted in a false alarm that sent Daddy and Mommy to the hospital thinking that you were going to be a premie. So that night I didnt want another false alarm which will send the whole family into a frenzy... so I decided to wait at home till there was some contraction or till my water bag breaks. But nothing happened so Mommy called the doctor at about 10pm and he advised us to go in the next day to be examined. But we were on alert mode the whole night as the doctor told us that since you are my 3rd baby you will be very fast when it happens. But you were very kind to Daddy and I, we had a good rest at home and in the morning, after Daddy sent Aiden to school... we were off to the hospital with our bags... You see... Mommy already had an inkling that you will arrive early but didnt expected it to be this early! And my tummy was feeling like it was about to explode!! You were big... NO! My tummy was B I G !!
At the hospital, after being inspected the doctor told us that I was already dilated and the water bag was already very low. So basically Mommy was already in slow labour, and he suggested that we help speed up the process. So after a few painful needles and some waiting.. I was getting rather nervous... yes even after 2 times! Thank goodness to drugs I didnt feel any pain at all but like I said you really took your time to arrive. I cannot imagine if I was actually in pain, I would have gnaw off Daddys arm. The nurse kept coming in to check if I was feeling like I was ready to push, which made me even more nervous. Daddy must have sensed this and was sitting with me and tried to take my mind off by attempting to shoot some video... So while we were fooling around with the video cam, I suddenly felt you pushing down ! We called in the midwifes and then our doctor arrived a few minutes later, then it was like everything was in fast forward mode... You were born at 3.54pm. Daddy got to cut the umbilical cord for you, which he claimed saved your life as it was wrapped around your neck! I only found out about this like after everything was over. No wonder you were a bit blue when you were born, thats alright... because here you are!!! My beautiful baby girl...

Credits: Everyday kit by Kitty Designs
When I look at your layout its as though your gorgeous bub is "wrapped up" in the design. It all blends so beautifully - really does justice to such a special event. Hope you are enjoying bubs early days - so special :)

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Kitty Design
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