
"YOU lookin' at ME?!?"

"YOU lookin' at ME?!?"

Yet another in my ongoing series of "I Don't Know What the Heck I'm Going to Do with All of These Photos from My Chicago Vacation, but I'm Sure Having Fun Playing" vacation album. The page story is in the journaling, which is actually on the page for once (don't faint!), but I just have to add that the bird in this photo just cracked me up. I am several times over his size, but that did not stop him from getting within an arm's length of my French fries. I suspect the birds that hang about the cafes on the River Walk are used to having a veritable smorgasbord for their meals, and rather than wait for the leftovers to be dumped into the trash, they've now decided not to wait and go right for the freshly served food. Cute but creepy!

Journaling reads"
"After our visit to the the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, we backtracked along the River Walk to a small outdoor cafe wed seen earlier in the day. The cafe, OBrians Riverwalk Cafe, seemed to have only outdoor seating, and we wondered what kind of business it got in the winter. Turns out it probably isnt even open in the winter. In fact, the whole set-up looked very seasonal. The kitchen is a food truck, the restrooms are port-a-potties, and a large curtain hangs down from the overpass hiding the delivery roads wed seen earlier in the week that run next to the River Walk.

While we were waiting for our food, I couldnt help but notice several bold-as-you-please birds sitting on the large flower planter situated next to our table. They would not be shooed away; if anything, they actually hopped closer to our seats!

If you cant beat em join em, so I started taking photos of the the more aggressive ones. This guy here seemed to be doing his best Robert De Niro impression from the movie Taxi Driver (and yes, I know Travis Bickle actually said, You talkin to me? Poetic license!)"

Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Autumn Crisp (transfer, slightly recolored)
ArtPlay Palette Hummingbird
FreeForm Frames No. 1
MetalMix No. 1
ScriptTease Happiness No. 1

Font: Delicious (title), Calibri (journaling)

Thanks for stopping by!
OK, you've NOT sold O'Brien's Riverwalk cafe to me - it's the port-a-potties and sociopath birds that have done it LOL!! Loving your page though - it's fabulous!

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Anna Aspnes
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