

Trust Your Journey

Quote: If you cant do anything about it, then let it go. Dont be a prisoner to things you cant change.
Tony Gaskins This is something I have to remind myself often, especially lately.

ArtPlay Palette PlumeraArtPlayPalettePlumera
Journey WordART Mix No. 2JourneyWordARTMixNo.1
ArtPlay Palette PortiereArtPlayPalettePortiere
Dripped Stains No. 1DrippedStainsNo.1
Living Well No. 1LivingWellNo.1
Cats No. 1CarsNo.1
Photo: MorgueFile
Font: Traveling Typewriter

Process Notes: Starting with artsy paper 2, I brought in the photo and with a reverse mask, I brushed it back over the white area of the paper. I duplicated it and put the copy on Screen blend mode at 73% opacity.

I used several brushes from the palette, placing one over the photo along the corner of the building, another along the top edge of the photo and along the left edge of the photo, giving it a little bevel and emboss treatment.

I added overlays from the palette along the left and right edges and word art on the right edge as well as the top edge. I typed out the quote and placed another word art above it. On both of those I used the Blend Ifs. Under the quote I used the little irate kitty and recolored it from a shade in the photo.

I positioned the runner and recolored him using the blue from the left side overlay and blended him to Color Burn at 100% opacity. Last but not least, I used the dripped stains reducing the opacity of them to 27%, then placed the APP Portiere crack brush to run down the page from the letter T in the word art title. That completes this layout.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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