

Top Hat

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
Magoa Release **new and on sale today**

Photoshop Elements 14

I chose a background paper (#4), pulled in the Fotoblendz Framed Masks (#5), then clipped my photo to the mask and the Fotoblendz. I used a duplicate of the photo, enlarged, under the framed photoscreen blend mode at reduced opacity and blended into the paper with a layer mask. An element (#1) from the Multimedia Hearts 4 set adorns the hatband of the enlarged photo. I added the wordART from the LoveMix No 4 set, then used various Fotoglos from the other Multimedia Elements in the set to scatter light here and there. I finished up with a few details from the Artplay Palette and by pulling a textured solid paper (#1) to the top of the layer stack on color burn blend mode at full-strength opacity, for light and texture.
How charming! Superb photo layering...rich and cheerful! Would love to see this during the Christmas holiday!

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Anna Aspnes
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