
Time stands still
Page created for Challenge #3 - Creative photo editing - use invert effect on one half of a photo/element.

Inverting the image is one of the steps when creating a sketch effect, the left side of the photo is inverted, color dodge blend mode applied and gaussian blurr added (all of this layered on top of the original photo). I then duplicated the original photo and placed it on top, leaving just the right side visible (transparency tool was used to smooth the transition between the inverted and non-inverted halves).

In the original photo the building on the left is dark and gloomy - not ideal, lol - so this technique brightened up the photo significantly. See the unedited photo here
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Reactions: Betty Jo
Awesome result on your photo and page! Great job! It's very beautiful! It gave you perfect the effect you were after!
A very subtle change which shows how versatile the invert function can be. Well done on the Standing O.

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Oscraps Cheery O's
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bilovec inverted.jpg
File size
430.1 KB
Date taken
Wed, 03 August 2022 1:31 PM
600px x 600px

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