

Thru The Lens_64

  • Media owner pachimac
  • Date added
For Challenge 3 - Through the Lens

For the past few years, I have driven past this “64”in the middle of the drive from Nevada to California and I told myself that one day I was going to pull over and find out what this was all about. As I was born in 1964, it intrigued me. I pulled off the road and drove down two dirt roads, and I was not sure what I would find. Apparently it is a monument to the lives lost to the reign of Communism. I never did find out why they had the number 64, but I was sobered by the memorial and the lives that have been lost to it.
Credits list
Rachel Jefferies/ Lynn Grieveson | Tempus Collection
Rachel Jefferies | Past to Present Collection
Rachel Jefferies | Carefully Curated: Wake Up With a Purpose
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynn Grieveson
  2. Rachel Jefferies
This is a cool pic and the journaling is super. Congrats on the Gallery StandOuts it's well deserved for this page.
Your split journaling is so creatively done; I also love the horizontal design and your delicate clusters at each border. Congrats on your well-deserved GSO!
Congrats to the GSO! Well deserved!
Love the layout, the picture and how you placed the journaling!
Your split journaling is so creatively done; I also love the horizontal design and your delicate clusters at each border. Congrats on your well-deserved GSO!
I wanted to make the journaling be a part of the design, so thank you for noticing!

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Art Journal
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249.9 KB
800px x 800px

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