
TaylorMade Challenge Part 2 - Blue Again
Bush Girl

TaylorMade Challenge Part 2 - Blue Again

I have to post this quickly before I change my mind. I'm not after sympathy (actually, what I really need is a kick up my backside) but Amanda said to journal from the heart - so I have. This is what was in my heart this morning. I'm now going to take myself and the dogs out for a walk and blow away these cobwebs. And maybe eat a large slice of cake before the Healthy-Os start up again tomorrow!

ps: please don't tell Karah!

WordArt: TaylorMade Designs, oscraps.com, Expressive, in Theory WordArt freebie
& Unscripted No 3 - Simply Put WordArt freebie
Font: DJB Lizzy Fizzed Out by Darcy Baldwin & Times New Roman
oh my. selena. how well i think we can ALL relate to this... at least on some level. i've been there.. in the dark. it's scary and it's stifling. i hope i don't go back for a long time. my heart aches that you are facing it today. i know "on line" friends are nothing like that of a tangible support system, but we are here, as krista said. and your scrapping canvas awaits at anytime to absorb some of those thoughts for you... even if you do not post them. i will keep you in my prayers. thank you so much for the bravery it took to share this with all of us. xoxoxoxoxoo
oh... and this almost sounds silly now... but PHENOMENAL design on this. the crop on that photo lends itself to the emotion expressed in the journaling PERFECTLY.
WOW Selena this totally jumped out at me from the gallery and I thought Amazing page....then I read it and WOW amazing journaling! It took a lot of courage to put those words to paper and express how you really feel. Thank you for sharing that with us ((hugs)) and know your online family is here waiting...holding a flashlight to help you through the dark! Love ya!

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