

Take Note


September 11, 2016

After a month of smoke from the distant wild fires we had a refreshing clear day of blue sky. After a quick stop at the market on the way home, I saw this sight. It stopped me in my tracks. The sun was setting behind the mountains showing an obvious flare up of one of the fires to the right and the straight streaks drawn across the sky from the setting sun. The murkiness of the thick smoke blowing to the left filled me with dismay. At least the dropping temperatures will help to slow the fires down. No rain in the forecast.

Side Note: Just want to be clear, we are NOT in any danger, the fires are far away in the high country where they are allowed to burn themselves out. That means they will burn until it snows.

AnnaRelease 13 September 2013AnnaRelease13September2013 On Sale until the 19th
ArtPlay Palette Hello AutumnArtPlayPaletteHelloAutumn
Abstract FotoBlendz No. 9AbstractFotoBlendzNo.9
Notabilia WordART Mix No. 1NotabiliaWordARTMixNo.1
Splatters No. 1SplattersNo.1
Photo: Mine
Font: Traveling Typewriter

Process Notes: I wanted the photo to speak for itself so I didnt do any fancy blending into the background. Besides, blending into black is really weird. In post processing, I threw the foreground of the photo into silhouette to bring the drama of the sky out better.

After opening a new 12 x 12 file, I brought in 3 fotoblendz and arranged them across the page to my liking. Normally I would merge these layers together, but I wanted wiggle room to play with them after I clipped the photo to each of the masks.

Using artsy paper 2 as my background, I played with the masks and linking the photo copies together to make sure things didnt get out of sync as I moved them around.

Adding transfers from the palette at the top left and bottom right edge, along with brushes from the palette and splatters 1. I blended a couple of the splatter brushes to Color Burn and Linear Burn. Placing the title and journaling, recoloring from the palette and using Blend Ifs on them so they didnt look like they were floating finished the page.
A fantastic Art page, very creative, love the texture and the great photo, the colors are fabulous, great you've used this photo!!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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