

Sunny bug

  • Media owner margje
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All Anna Aspnes

I gave the photo an artsy look using some filters from the Artistic Filters in Photoshop. (Dry Brush and Poster Edges)
In a new document I clipped the photo to 3 Original FotoBlendz and I erased some parts using a Layermask. I placed the background paper. I added all the transfers and brushes. I placed the frame and erased some parts with a Layermask. I painted a little bit of shadow in on a new layer with a brown color in Overlay Blendmode. I colored the letters from the element of the Shine WA a bit yellow/brown.
I merged the layers and did some sharpening. I made a selection on a new layer and stroked 40 yellow pixels. I gave it a Gaussian Blur.
Fabulous! Love the yellows and the inclusion of the map! Beep Beep!
Wonderful! Thank you for sharing your process! You have a unique vision that shows in your art!
I love this page! I learned to drive a manual car on a Volkswagen Bug - love the framing and background! gorgeous!

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Anna Aspnes
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