
pam p

straw dust

  • Media owner pam p
  • Date added
skinny-lined overlays 4.. love the dramatic artstrokes of aA
APP destiny,capture,breakaway,behold and ablaze brushes
camera fotoblendz 1

When I was working on this page,I was reminded of a time when my oldest grandson Christer was just a little fellow. We lived at the old farm then, and he would come to spend time with me.He liked to bring his pedal tractor and go to the barn where the bales were stacked. We would pretend the day away. When we would turn the latch on the door and start for the house,we would try to brush the dust away.He preferred to keep some on his shoes and clothes to boast about later. The memory lingers despite the dust...
Aaaah what a lovely story. You should write that on the page opposite and put into a photobook with all your other masterpieces! Love the photo treatment here.

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Anna Aspnes
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pam p
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