
Six Months Old

Six Months Old

Another page for my daughter's 1st year album. This is a fun age so many new things going on!!!

You weigh 18.5 pounds and are 27 inches long. It seems that every day you are surprising us with something new. At your 6 month appointment the doctor told us that you weren't even close to teething, 2 days later you had 2 teeth on bottom!! You love to give kisses, of course you don't really understand how to kiss so you just hold your head really still, open your mouth and lean in. Your favorite show is Blue's Clues-specifically the mail song. One night we had the worst time getting you to go to sleep so we put you in your swing and you were SCREAMING as loud as you could then came Blue's Clues you quickly became entranced in the show. Within 15 minutes you were knocked out and we were happy! You have started to say bye bye - well not SAY but you take your hand and close it and open it as to say bye bye. You also babble a lot and usually it is "mamamamama" or "dadadaddadada". You are officially crawling now. We discovered this skill by accident. One night you were lying on the bed and daddy had his phone laid out in front of you. You decided you wanted it and you went after it. I was in the shower and all I heard was daddy screaming SHE's CRAWLING" We then put you on the floor and sure enough you were crawling. You are a fast little thing-we are in so much trouble when you start walking. You can sit up on your own for short periods of time. We have given you a taste of all vegetables and your favorite is Sweet Potatoes. The only fruit you have tried is bananas and you aren't that crazy about them. You new favorite game is CATCH THE CATS!! Poor Nova, he can't seem to find a safe place. You are always sneaking up behind him and grabbing a hand full of fur. You also got to enjoy your first snow this month. We took you out to play in it but all you wanted to do is just jump up and down on it! You went to your first birthday party. Riley turned 6 and we were lucky enough to have 75 degree weather so we spent the day at the park with the family.

brown paper:: MMartin_EireenSolids
SIX letters:: KPertiet_ChunkChipCrm(altered)
Flower, heart tag, overlay:: Kpertiet_GenuineJoy Template
MONTHS letters::KPertiet_JewelryTagAlphabet
Frame:: KPertiet_StackedPhotoFramesNo2
Pink Paper in Overlay::MMartin_Aryanna
Brush:: KPertiet_OntheCornersNo1

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