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4 X 6 ArtsyKardz Natural Instinct 4 X 6 ArtsyKardz Natural Instinct by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Natural Instinct ArtPlay Palette Natural Instinct by Anna Aspnes
AnnaBlendz No. 4 Inverted Masking AnnaBlendz No. 4 Inverted Masking by Anna Aspnes

Process: I started with the background and did a copy of it, set to the blend mode Darken. I placed another paper over and did two copies of this one. The first paper got the blend mode Multiply and both copies Color Burn. I added my photo and did an Inverted Masking (see credits) with the Gradient Tool. I placed a brush at the bottom of my photo and the blend mode was set to Color Burn. There was a butterfly brush at the second paper I added which I thought didnt fit in here. I went back to that layer and used the Clone Stamp Tool to get rid of the brush. I also did the same for the copies of that layer. There were many dark shadows under the vaults of the Palace in my photo and therefore I placed a frame and a copy of it there. The blend mode was set to Lighten and Soft Light for these two layers. I also placed an overlay and a transfer above my photo layers. Both were set to blend mode Overlay as I thought I needed more vibrant colors in the photo. Then I added a brush on the left side and placed a button there. I finished my page with a few brushes at the right side, the title and added some embellishments to the page.
This is wonderful Ulla-May, what you did with the layers of paper and photo as well as changing the blend modes has created a beautiful architectural piece!
fanastic photo and photo treatment. thank you for your process description.

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Anna Aspnes
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