


  • Media owner wombat146
  • Date added
A photo of my GDD that I took a couple of days ago. I was just snapping away and it wasn't until I uploaded them to my laptop that I realised what a stunning sight I had captured! I really just love this photo. Shayla always reminds me of this gorgeous wild thing, unbound and untamed, I think she will be a rebel at heart ! (Poor Mum and Dad!!)
* LO was inspired by a layout called 'Precious' in a book by Vinnie Pearce (Digital Scrapbooking - Page 73) *
Thanks for looking :) - Ona
- I used several CoffeeShop actions on the photo
- Everything else from Pixel Canvas
- Background papers (one recoloured) are from 3PM kit by HeatherT
- Strip of material (recoloured) and postcard from Delicacies kit by HeatherT
- Stitched button and dragonfly (recoloured) from Summer Edge Mini kit by Scraporiginals
- Stamp (recoloured) and wordart from Summer Edge kit by Scraporiginals
- Lines of stitches. and tan buttons from Bucketful of Sunshine kit by Vinnie Pearce
- Mauve and pink flowers from My Beach Flower kit by Vinnie Pearce
Font: FG Cynthia
Software: PSE
Stunning photo Ona!! She is definitely a cutie! Love her seriousness here. So many wonderful & beautiful goodies here. Off to look up some of these designers ;-)
Oh Ona...I know you were excited to see what you had captured!! this is a very stunning photo!! and I love what you have done with it here!!! AWESOME!!!
Ona, this is fabulous! I just can't get over your photos lately, btw. My eyes were immediately drawn to this layout in the gallery.
WOW!!!!!!!!! Ona that is simply beautiful!! I love how much it looks like a page out of a fairytale :)

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