

Scenic Route

Journaling: This is the town where I live from the air. The lights are twinkling as the sun sets behind the Cascade Mountains and the bowl where the town is situated, becomes dark. This is the view I appreciate the best . . . from up in the air, any time of day.

I took this photo from my FB feed, so the quality isnt good and I didnt dare enlarge it very much, but it gets the idea across.

ArtPlay Palette Scenic Coming later this week to the store
Scenic WordART Mix No. 2 Coming later this week to the store
TissueTextures No. 6TissueTexturesNo.6
TapedTextures No. 7TapedTextursNo.7
DifferentStrokes No. 11DifferentStrokesNo.11
CoolGlows No. 1CoolglowsNo.1
Airplanes No. 1AirplanesNo.1
Font: Tom

Notes: I worked a lot with the transfers in the kit to make this work on the page. Using artsy paper 5 as my foundation and placing the photo, I used a reverse layer mask to hide the photo. I use guides from the rulers to let me know where the edges of the photo are located when I do this. It saves time touching up hard edges after I bring the photo back in with AnnaBlendz brushes.

Using transfer 9 twice, on each side of the photo and rotating to make it look different and fit the photo the best. Transfer 7 is at the top of the page and I used a Hue and Saturation adjustment layer to change the saturation to blend better into the sky of the photo. Transfer 2 was used at the top right side of the page.

I put the tape at the bottom left of the photo and used a shade of blue from the photo to create an impression of the mountains. A tissue texture was used to fall away from the mountains and go towards the bottom of the page, lining it up with the paper texture on the background layer.

I added the art stroke under the photo in the layers panel and the splatters over the photo. The CoolGlow was added just above the photo layer.

I added the airplane in a grey shade and put it on Linear Blend mode. The word art for the title and at the bottom right side of the page was added. After recoloring the title, I gave it a tiny shadow, used Blend Ifs on it and blended to Linear Burn so it would take on the contours of the textures below it. Adding the journaling in blue and also using Blend Ifs and blending to Linear Burn. Underneath the title and journaling, I placed a different strokes brush in a shade from the right side of the photo. And that finished the page.
Fabulous, Barbara! Just noticed the plane flying over the mountains! A gorgeous place to live!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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