


  • Media owner Jeannette
  • Date added
I Dissent Kit by Crafty Button Design @ Oscraps
Photo from Wikipedia

I did not know RBG that well, but I knew what she
stood for. I consider myself a feminist and I admire RBG for
how she lived her live.
I believe in equal rights for women. Women should
have the same chances in life as men. The same
responsibilities. Actually I feel it's about time
women should lead this world, but I'm okay working
together with men.

It's not only the big issues. I love my husband
dearly, but when we got married I did not want his
last name. I kept my own, because I never under-
stood why I had to change my name and not he.
And honestly, it's the woman who is pregnant for
9 months, The woman who brings the child into this
world. And the moment the baby is born it has the
father's last name. I don't understand why?? It's not
that long ago that women weren't allowed to vote.
That women had to give up there job when they got
married and when women's possessions became their
husbands when they married.
Lots of progress has been made, but not enough. And
in a world with dictators and clowns ruling this
world, we need women like RGB a lot.
I'm sure she will be missed!
What great journaling, Jeannette!! I like your idea of keeping your last name. I was going to change mine back to my maiden name, after my divorce, but it was such a pain. haha I still need to do that (and clip that last string attached to ex. haha) Love your page.
Wonderful tribute and wonderful page design using the kit. She did more than her fair share for women in our country. I loved everything about her and her vote always made a difference.

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