
Right Now

Right Now

Layout done for Audrey Neal's
Designer Spotlight Challenge
Oct 22 - 28 at oscraps.com
Come and Check it out!! :)
I have noticed in the past little while that I have started
to take on the problems of the world around me, the past
month has been filled with stress and pain for myself and
those around me who I care about. There has been death and
grief, pain and suffering, the list is endlessly negative and
dark. Some of these things directly affect me while others
I just sit quietly on the fringe watching people suffer. I
don't remember a time in my life where I was surrounded
by so much pain. However right now this minute the most
painful of all is the disappointment in people who don't
know the meaning of the word COMPASSION. It truly
boogles my mind how many people are just looking out
for themselves with no real thought of the effects that their
words or action may have on another person. My heart
aches for people like this because they will never know the
true meaning of friendship, or community, fellowship.
I am so THANKFUL that my parents (as messed up as they were) taught
me to be compassionate. It would sometimes be easier to ignore
others pain and suffering but it's not the right thing to do.
Papers: Right Now Freebie by Audrey Neal
Wordart: Audrey Neal
All avaliable at Oscraps.com
this journaling is hearbreakingly gorgeous and the pic...wonderful, just like you!!! You stay compassionate, darling!!

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